I am BEYOND angry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D:<

Our neighbor's wife and 2yo came with a box and she was almost crying "I'm so sorry Elysia!
Here, I got you a present..." Handed me the box and there was a rir and a duckling!

we took the duckling back cause we don't have the setup but we now have a RIR and Amaracuna! That was sweet of them. I'm still really upset, but this helps a little! I'll get some pics later!
I'm glad they feel bad (i know that sounds cold but,) so maybe they will be more careful from now on...
Our neighbor's wife and 2yo came with a box and she was almost crying "I'm so sorry Elysia! :hit Here, I got you a present..."  Handed me the box and there was a rir and a duckling! :jumpy
we took the duckling back cause we don't have the setup but we now have a RIR and Amaracuna! That was sweet of them. I'm still really upset, but this helps a little! I'll get some pics later!
I'm glad they feel bad (i know that sounds cold but,) so maybe they will be more careful from now on...

A child? How perfect. She needs a chicken that stays at your house "so she's not lonely" and away from the dog. She can visit it and take the eventual eggs home. By the time chicken drawings show up on the refrigerator and good eggs on the table, Daddy may have a change of heart.

Though I'd still do an electric fence around the coop.
Ahhh, the better half...
yep, and they are paying for us to get 6 new pullets. We drove 45 min.s to pick them up. I never want to be in the car for 45 min.s with 6 chickens again! lol, one got loose in the car 4 times! I even tied her legs!

Quote: Yep..... We have an electric fence around the part of their pen that is out of our yard, but we can't have one in our yard. We have little dogs, and my little cousins would run into it... the dog should NOT be in our back yard... PERIOD.
Yep..... We have an electric fence around the part of their pen that is out of our yard, but we can't have one in our yard. We have little dogs, and my little cousins would run into it... the dog should NOT be in our back yard... PERIOD.

True, the dog shouldn't be in your backyard, but that doesn't mean it won't happen again. Everybody has had that neighbor with the dog that is always getting out somehow... There is always some excuse for why it happened, but really it is just negligence/laziness of the owner. My dog hasn't gotten out in her entire lifetime (10 years). I'm not saying it is impossible to slip up once and then never have it happen again, but for me it would be impossible to trust someone to keep my chickens safe that already burned me once. Maybe there are other ways you can reinforce your run without using electric (taller fence, buried hardware cloth)
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yeah, i think we need a taller fence... even if we come up with something that will slow the dog down, and make a lot of noise in the process, that would be good, cause someone is always here so we would hear it and be able to do something about it... My dog has only got out twice. She has seizures and gets frightened easy, and the gate was open for a sec and she tried to follow my mom and ended up running down the street, but i got her right away. And the other time she went to get in the car with us. Other than that, she's never gotten out and gotten into anything. She's a chihuahua anyway, so she wouldn't do damage...
I don't know if this is true of the neighbor but many people, myself included, say things we don't mean when upset, nervous or embarrassed. And we forget to say how sorry we are (embarassed again). Or we don't want to lose face, don't know how to say sorry, never learned- 100's of reasons. You may have to see how your neighbor behaves toward your family over the next several weeks.

And now that I have said that- REINFORCE THAT FENCE. Some dogs do not see children as "humans" but as another species. Kids move funny, talk funny, squeal and wave their arms around. This is why Dangerous Dog statutes came into being. I am totally serious about this. He's gotten over the fence once, now he knows he can do it. The next time will be easier.

Got it? Your backyard should be fortified like crazy. Those little kids should only be out there with adults like your cousin right there with them until nothing can get in the yard.

For your dog with epilepsy- this website has tons of great info. http://www.canine-epilepsy-guardian-angels.com/site_map.htm there's even a homemade diet than can help some dogs.
yeah, i think we need a taller fence... even if we come up with something that will slow the dog down, and make a lot of noise in the process, that would be good, cause someone is always here so we would hear it and be able to do something about it... My dog has only got out twice. She has seizures and gets frightened easy, and the gate was open for a sec and she tried to follow my mom and ended up running down the street, but i got her right away. And the other time she went to get in the car with us. Other than that, she's never gotten out and gotten into anything. She's a chihuahua anyway, so she wouldn't do damage...

Home Depot Has fence extenders that will do right on top of your existing fence and it is a lot more cost effective the loosing some long time pets and just cuts down on the grief ... So do you have a wooden fence or a metal fence ??

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