i am sorry but i cant take it any more hen or roo

He'll be gorgeous! Can't you keep him?
Looks like a roo, but I'm not completely convinced - get some nice SIDE PICS so we can see the tail/saddle feathers.

OP - yeppers, yours most definitely is a cockerel. Sorry.
the bread is a warren are you sure is a roo ........... i thank you all for your in put..... but its killing me to think i have to re home it.
It reminds me of 2 of my hens which were given to us. We were told they were Tetra Tints and they got their combs at about that age. They are the sweetest and most easy to handle of all our girls. Fingers crossed for you that you have a hen also. Their tail feathers stick up just like our roo.

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