I hate my rooster!

Coming back from the coop this morning he jumped me good
-wouldn't let me get to the house
--I went back and got the broom from the coop and it was Casey at the bat!!! he and I went around and around-he kept charging me wack after wack----about 8 wacks later he ran with me in pursuit
---- I chased him all over the yard like a mad woman-so glad we live out in the boonies---neighbors would have had a big laugh. He ended up under the truck. I have gone out a couple more times and he gives me a wide berth. I will be glad when we get the run finished with the fence and then he won't be freeranging and be able to get at people. As soon as these other 3 roo-boys are big enough I wil pick one of them to be his successor and he is out of here!!!!
I would wait till his bruises heal and to the pot with his mean self. You dont want bruised meat is all i am saying and you certainly dont need him at all. I vote for orp. soup!!!!

Casey at the bat! That little Bast deserved every whack too! I'm not encouraging abuse here, the OP was the one getting abused not the chicken.
Well, he's still here, and I'm not happy about it. You know, I'd try to put one over on him if it weren't for my small kids who like to go out with the hens. My (human) girls can't fend him off. So that's that. The roo has to go. For some reason my hubby doesn't want to butcher him like he did the other 12 cockerels. I don't know why. So I'm trying to figure out how to dispatch the bugger myself. Any ideas? I'll look around the site.

I did net him this morning and put him in the empty run by himself so we can at least get in with the hens. He didn't like it one bit. I'm still shaking from the experience.
Check out the Meat Birds ETC section. Lots of good advice there. Our method here is two nails in a stump. Place the neck between the nails, I hold the chicken, DH whacks it. Works pretty good when the ax or hatchet is sharp. It could be done by one person, but is much easier with two. Another method I've read about is to buy a traffic safety cone, cut the end just a little bit bigger so the chicken's head and neck will fit through it. Suspend the cone, put the chicken in the cone, and use a very sharp knife to cut its head off. You are making the right decision - you do not need a mean rooster - especially when you have little kids.
We used the cone with the others, but my husband said he doesn't want to have to work himself up to do that for just one chicken. This is crazy. I wish I had the nerve to do it myself. I know I'm making it worse thinking about it instead of just doing it. If we were outside city limits I'd take my .22 to him. I'd be okay with that. My biggest problem is catching him. I'm freaking just at the thought of trying to get hold of those legs! LOL I feel like such an idiot.

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