I have to talk POLISH!

Alright seeing all the cute polish pics and seeing my little girl who tolerates being picked up by my 5 year old son when he helps with the chickens make me want more polish for my flock. I almost wish we could get another broody and my DH would let me find some polish hatching eggs. Maybe if we get another hen to go broody I can talk him into getting some hatching eggs. I enjoy seeing my polish and the diversity I have in my flock right now. I would love having a couple more tophats around!
What a cutie...was Einstein sold to you as a she? Hard to tell, they go through so many stages but she's looking a bit he to me. Could just be the picture but the feathers look a bit spikey.
My new baby Einstein. I hope she is a she. She is 11 weeks old in this picture, taken the day I got her.
i have two beautiful polish that were hatched on mothers day...wc black and wc blue.... and guess what? the wc blue has started crowing! i caught him in the act yesterday...i am attaching a few pics below...i also have a video clip of his adorable crowing but i cant figure out how to post a link to it...i am also wondering if the wc black is going to be a "crower" also? :)




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