I have to talk POLISH!

help I bought some polish eggs but forgot to ask what kind what does bp, bc and bl mean. The lady had written this on top of the eggs. But I have no idea what they mean.
Could you email her and ask? Seems like the simplest solution
Last year NoseyChickens gave me a beautiful bantam WCB. She is wonderful little girl. The temperature here is 111 degrees and the egg that she lays is as large as a regular size bird, not extra large but still for her size it is amazing. My two feedstore bin babies are good also. The gold laced is still so calm and still I am waiting to determine the gender of the WCB who has a less relaxed personality. wet those birdies down in this heat !
Here is my little drama queen, haha she can't really see but she is super friendly. Shes about 4-5 months now.

She LOVES to perch. on arms, shoulders, whatever, you name it haha

So is that a usual quality of Polish? Mine are 17 wks, still a little skittish 'cause I didn't handle them as much as I should have when they were little. But now, even though they struggle a little when I first pick them up, after a little lovey time they WILL NOT let me put them down! It's hilarious! I'll put my hand or arm up to the perch or down to the ground and the bird will run up my arm, across my shoulders and onto the other arm.
Here are a few pictures of my little guy. His wattle are not as big as yours but he is a boy for sure

Thank you, Tricia. Your bird is really beautiful. I showed his picture to my daughter who promptly fell in love with him...and she is wondering what color he is? We then sat together and looked at your website. You should have heard us as we scrolled through the pages! We were oooohing, aaahing and wowing our way through the photos of your birds. Just lovely... Tina
I have a Golden Laced Polish. Are polish all bantam size? She is so small compared to my Marans of the same age. Worried about my rooster getting to her soon. They are a bit older than 3 months now and my BCM rooster is getting huge! Im wondering if we need to get rid of her. I got it for my wife. I dont want her getting hurt. MPC didnt say it was a bantam.
There a bantam Polish but if MPC did not say that it was a bantma then is is large fowl. Hatchery Polish are smaller than those from a good breeder plus Polish have a different body shape that Marans and most LF. They are more slender and have less breast mass although some breeders are working to change that as Polish used to be an all purpose breed and were considered good for the table. In the market today they are labled as ornamental.

Sometimes it is not easy to raise crested birds with non-created birds. If you have had together since they were hatched and if you have an even number of each it could work. I keep my Polish LF in with Silkies. I do have on WCB bantam with the bantam NNs and Silkie rooster and her crest has been picked and bitten but I believe that she sticks her head to close to the fence and the large fowl in the next run pick on her.

I would just watch the flock to see what happens. If you do need to rehome her I think that it would be a good if she coud go to a crested flock as they do better with birds that look alike. BTW Having a few silkies and polish together work well.
Question for you all. My polish is still quite young, 12 weeks or so, but I was wondering if straight "buff" is an accepted color of Polish? I've only seen "buff laced" pictures. She doesn't appear to have much, if any lacing. She is my first polish. Is lacing something that might improve with age?

Here are a few pics:


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