I have to talk POLISH!

This is my GL bantam

Patricia who has been a mother already by a buff laced. She lays a very nice egg and I hope she an GL make nice babies.
they were in with a bunch of rowdy RIR cocrals that were the packing peanuts and have taken a beating feather wise
I would not keep the red one- legs and crest just not cutting it for a roo.

I like the blue and the buff best.
BUT you have mostly laced and/or red/tan based hens so would go with either the buff or the gold (who's crest may still come in more- but my ones with better crests have them from first feathers).

The buff may end up with a better tail set- blue's seems slightly better than the gold- but young roos can be excitable....
the red one is also missing a toe nail on his middle toe so he was already low on my list i was kind of leaning toward ether the gold and the blue or the gold and the buff if i could keep two of them but i don't know what it would look like if i mixed the blue with the other colors.
I already have two gold laced hens..what other color hens and roo can I have for a breeding pen. I want to sell them as pure, but I would like to have a variety of colors

I do not know about the colors but I am pretty sure that you want both parents to have beards or that feature will suffer when bred. In other words if one parent has a beard and the other does not the off springs will have scraggly looking facial furniture. This will cause loss of points in a show.

I don't care about pure but if I did I might just want to stay with one color and keep trying to improve that one. Improve size, lacing, crest, posture and such.
Ive been reading ...so if I got some other colors like buff laced, silver laced, blue. What color roo would compliment those colors plus the gold I already have. I'm not interested in showing, but I do want to sell chicks / eggs. I'm just trying to keep from having some wackies. I just love so many of the different colors but I only want one roo several hens.

I personally prefer a clean face. My Crele Laced Polish hatch out with and without beards and muffs. I plan on working on a clean faced line. I find the birds with beards and muffs have a harder time seeing so I end up trimming the the muffs which is a hassle especially since you are working so close to the eyes.
I personally prefer a clean face. My Crele Laced Polish hatch out with and without beards and muffs. I plan on working on a clean faced line. I find the birds with beards and muffs have a harder time seeing so I end up trimming the the muffs which is a hassle especially since you are working so close to the eyes.
My roo's beard/muffs are nice and don't block his vision, it's more his crest that does
I personally love beardeds, but I also have bearded silkies so i'm partial

I personally prefer a clean face. My Crele Laced Polish hatch out with and without beards and muffs. I plan on working on a clean faced line. I find the birds with beards and muffs have a harder time seeing so I end up trimming the the muffs which is a hassle especially since you are working so close to the eyes.
I'll be right there to help you cull any of the wonderful birds that happen to have beards that you do not prefer. In fact any one of your birds would be a pleasure to own !

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