I have to talk POLISH!

Nice looking roo
Thank you just struttin. I have worked my bum off for the last 3 years to get this far. They are still auto sexing and I noticed this last batch the light colored ones, which should be hens, had a dark spot on the back of their heads. So far all are looking like hens that where like that. I really like the diluted color I have gotten out of one hen. They still get some of the brassiness in their hackles and saddle but are going to be stunning. I don't have any that are adults yet.
Thank you just struttin. I have worked my bum off for the last 3 years to get this far. They are still auto sexing and I noticed this last batch the light colored ones, which should be hens, had a dark spot on the back of their heads. So far all are looking like hens that where like that. I really like the diluted color I have gotten out of one hen. They still get some of the brassiness in their hackles and saddle but are going to be stunning. I don't have any that are adults yet.
Congrats!!! Can't wait to see more pics

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I have 4 Polish chicks. I got them all at the same time. They are a little over a month old, but they have feathered at different rates. They are in a Little Tykes cabin I converted into a grow out coop with Silkies, Bantam, RIR who are same age. there are also to 2.5 week old turkey poults. When I went out to feed I discovered one of the poor things has had half of its crest feathers plucked and is bleeding I tried moving it in with some small chicks, but they are picking at him too. I have no other place to put him except in with my daughters guinea pig he is almost feathered out, but there is no light for him. Will that be okay? I could put it in a cat carrier. What should I do? He is running around and freaking the GP out so I'm going for the carrier.

...forgot to hit post so update... It is in carrier and nestled into hay seems relived that no won is after him. I pushed the front of it up to the brooder so he can see the other chicks with out getting picked at. I put the other small polish in the brooder because I figured it was next. They other two who have their crest feathers are fine and non of the other birds are paying them any attention. I guess I should also note that the brooder is in my living room and temps are 66/68.

Please let me know if I have done the right thing.

I have 4 Polish chicks. I got them all at the same time. They are a little over a month old, but they have feathered at different rates. They are in a Little Tykes cabin I converted into a grow out coop with Silkies, Bantam, RIR who are same age. there are also to 2.5 week old turkey poults. When I went out to feed I discovered one of the poor things has had half of its crest feathers plucked and is bleeding I tried moving it in with some small chicks, but they are picking at him too. I have no other place to put him except in with my daughters guinea pig he is almost feathered out, but there is no light for him. Will that be okay? I could put it in a cat carrier. What should I do? He is running around and freaking the GP out so I'm going for the carrier.

...forgot to hit post so update... It is in carrier and nestled into hay seems relived that no won is after him. I pushed the front of it up to the brooder so he can see the other chicks with out getting picked at. I put the other small polish in the brooder because I figured it was next. They other two who have their crest feathers are fine and non of the other birds are paying them any attention. I guess I should also note that the brooder is in my living room and temps are 66/68.

Please let me know if I have done the right thing.
when i had my polish in with rir they keep pulling out the crest feathers
but i have read on here somewhere that you can put someting on there heads to keep the others from doing that just look back affew pages.
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when i had my polish in with rir they keep pulling out the crest feathers
but i have read on here somewhere that you can put someting on there heads to keep the others from doing that just look back affew pages.

I have him in a cat carrier with the door up against the brooder. I had to go out and figured he would be dead when I got home. Poor thing was in shock. He has found the food and water and seems to have come out of it so hopefully it will get better. I'm going to look for the blue stuff tomorrow.
Just wanted to share a couple pictures of my bantam white crested blue, loving her (his?) too knot at just about 5 weeks.



I wanted to take a standing pic, but she (he?) kept wandering off.

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