I have to talk POLISH!

Don't hurt yourself. I will have more eggs later
Personally I love my Crele...they have been very interesting to work with. It has been hard work but worth it. They are still new to a lot of areas...I have had orders for 3 months and of course the hens do not cooperate.....I check 3 times a day and hear them laughing every time I walk out the door...Polish can be highly organized...One watches at the door to warn the hens to hop off the nests before I enter....then they stand and look at me cooing so innocently..expecting treats.
Rooster peeps in the hen door and growls while the hens rush to him and flounce out the door after him.
Could chickens really be this smart as to instigate?? I think so. I noticed the roos are guarding the hens when they sit on the nest too....that wouldn't last long with me if I was a hen...it is enough having a roo ride around on my back every time I take a few steps.
I have been reading and it seems that the Polish Roos have a tendency to be aggressive. Is that true? Does anyone have pictures of black crested whites as they mature?
I am guessing that a Polish rooster personality is dependent on the breeding just as other birds and animals. I have been trying to raise Polish along with many other breeds and the only bird that has not been culled or given away is a older WCB batam hen from good breeding stock. The reds that I bought from IDEAL were flighty and difficult. Also they were not bearded hence had hugh wattles which I do not like. Last spring I fished two chicks out of the feed store bin and do not remember what hatchery they came from but one died and the other a Gold Laced Rooster is extremly docile and allows feather picking, is old enough to breed and shows no tendency to do so. In his history he allowed himself to be RAPED by a Silkie rooster and infact is some what lame from being damaged from the same male. I hate to cull him but he seems worthless to me. Many post ago Soranao Silkies made a comment that Polish Roosters are wimps and that certainly applies to this one.

So I am trying a few more from a different feed store which orders from Privette Hatchery in New Mexico

One white crested blue and two silver laced !

I took top view shots to invite guessing on the genders based on the shape of the crest.
Personally I love my Crele...they have been very interesting to work with. It has been hard work but worth it. They are still new to a lot of areas...I have had orders for 3 months and of course the hens do not cooperate.....I check 3 times a day and hear them laughing every time I walk out the door...Polish can be highly organized...One watches at the door to warn the hens to hop off the nests before I enter....then they stand and look at me cooing so innocently..expecting treats.
Rooster peeps in the hen door and growls while the hens rush to him and flounce out the door after him.
Could chickens really be this smart as to instigate?? I think so. I noticed the roos are guarding the hens when they sit on the nest too....that wouldn't last long with me if I was a hen...it is enough having a roo ride around on my back every time I take a few steps.
Mine are laying like crazy. Unfortunately mr. roo is not very good at his job. No wonder the girls like him. I will put another roo in for a week.
Ok, quick question for those who have experience--what would a silver laced and a wc black produce? I know nothing about genetics. The reason for asking-i habe wc black and my friend has silver laced. We just questioned last night what a cross would produce.

And since I love to post pics, heres some pics of my "junior AOCCL champion" bantam pullet.

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