I have to talk POLISH!


Here are two roos that I think I'm keeping. I got these as chicks from Sarah (mycutekitties). Got a question ... the one that is black and blue, which is he? Black or blue? I haven't seen one like this with a combination of black and blue.

If you read this Sarah, would you keep and breed him? Anyone else? I think he's gorgeous, but want to keep ones that have a possibility of having SQ chicks.

These chickens are absolutely gorgeous....look very healthy!!
These chickens are absolutely gorgeous....look very healthy!!

Thanks. I have mycutekitties to thank for them. She sent me the chicks all the way from Ca to VA and this is the result.

Here's the frizzled blue roo I'm keeping from her.

Quote: beautiful!!!
I have a wc blue that carries one frizzle gene, and he is pretty, but his hackles have developed a brownish tint, is that from feeding corn based feed? I thought I read that will do it somewhere here.

The brownish color is also in his white head feathers. Not the greatest pic, but you can see it well here.

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