I hit an all time low tonight.. but am getting better!

Sorry about your chickens.Those are some really good drawings

I do have some eggs in the bator from this flock that I may get to hatch! I hope so!

God is on your side. I set 24, and 14 hatched. One died, so I got 13 babies in the brooder right now.
I can only imagine that your little boy is feeling horrible as well... Are there any chicken folks in your area who might be willing to share some of their birds? If you were local to me, I'd be more than willing to give you a few of my laying gals. This is a good community.

I'll tell you from personal experience; it is through the roughest times of my life in which I have grown the most personally and spiritually. I now TRY to look at challenging times as a gift, and that is NOT easy... but I've been blessed in many ways when life was the most challenging.

Hugs to you and your boy.
My little man is just heart broken over this. I went in my room to cry so he wouldn't see me. He may remeber this night for the rest of his life. He is a very loved little boy and I'm blessed to have him.
"It was the child's fault this time."

Your nine year old child is the one ultimately responsible for making sure the coop door is locked?!
Seems to me it's the adults' fault.
I certainly hope the little boy was not scolded...
Sorry for your loss, and good luck!
The OP is a loving woman, whom I have had contact with for quite a while, and I can GUARANTEE she is not punishing that child. And yes the 9 year old was responsible for locking the coop. How else does a child learn? If you never give them responsiblities, and allow them to fail, how do they learn? That boy has learned something tonight. And it will stay with him for a good long time.

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