I may have cancer

Not one of my kids can find the time to come over and talk about it so I will not bother them with my problems. I am going to make an appt. To see my dr. in the morning I have the support of all you good folks here on BYC. So I think I'll be ok. Thank you all for the prayers and the hope you have given me.[/q

Hi Scott, I saw your thread yesterday and I have been praying for you. A year ago I was diagnosed with beast cancer. Since than I have had surgery,chemo and radiation treatments. I can not imagine going it alone. My husband and my kids got me threw it as well as prays from all my friends at church. You said your kids Don't have time to come over to talk. Tell them on the phone if you have to but TELL at least one off them. The biggest part of healing is a positive addituted. You need need to have someone there. Your kids will come around but you need to tell them . You need someone there. I am praying for you to be strong and make that appt with your Dr . I will be praying for your kids . Their reaction might not be what you expect it to be. I know your fear . The unknown will only keep you down.
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Hi Scott,
What did the dr say? Has the growth changed, what does he recommend doing. Have they done any tests on it?
Are you talking to God about it? I've found life to be rough but when I looked around I see I have a lot of company.
But I thank God for that, and for their honesty.
Ignore the ones that say life's a breeze they're lying.
God speaks to us through people (sometimes ones we really wouldn't expect ) things (books, tv shows,radio, nature) he knows you and speaks your language open your heart. If you knew my story you'd know I have the "right, the life experience" to say this. He's real He loves you,you are human
go ahead yell scream, you're angry,tired discouraged and feel alone. He's right with you(not up in a cloud) We're children He's the dad He isn't human
doesn't make mistakes . We don't understand, Like a child doesn't understand why you'd hold him down and let a nurse stick a needle in him.WE CAN'T UNDERSTAND. All we know is we're here for each other and He loves us. I've found solace in that and He's in charge everything is as it should be.
You do what you should (love your neighbor AS YOURSELF) treat yourself as you would any loved one, pay attention to who God is putting in your life
You wouldn't meet these people, if you were not going through this, they may need to meet you too. IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE HEARING THIS NOW
IT'S OK READ IT LATER After you've cried and rested.
You're on my mind and in my heart and there's a whole and large family out there, in your heart you know, we're family.

with love and prayers Mary ps please let us know what did he say and what comes next?
I have chickened out on two Dr. appts. again. tried talking to my 15 year old daughter and all she said is ”oh well” I'm afraid of hearing the truth from my Dr..I want to just pretend I'm fine.
Teenagers are notoriously self centered . Believe me , I have 3. But this is not about them. This is something you have to care of yourself. So take care of yourself first, then you can deal with the other stuff.
Hi Scott,
I had a patient once,that had breast cancer she wouldn't have surgery because her husband wouldn't tell her to go. The doctor called him and he said
it was her business, she died.
I was in my twenties at the time, it stayed with me. Maybe she thought if he doesn't love me than life isn't worth living.Maybe she thought she'd
punish him with her death. A lot of people don't know any better, never mind teenagers. You're the adult, by not doing anything you're guaranteeing
a bad outcome, you'll be punishing your children, who don't know any better, after you're gone this is what they'll remember and this is the example
you're giving them.
with love Mary
Hi Scott,

This isn't going to go away on it's own. I know you're scared but you just have to go to your appointment. Your family may seem aloof and uncaring but they are probably facing the same fear and don't know how to deal with it.
Go to your appointment and you can get either good news or bad news. If it's bad news, you'll be able to work with your doctor and develop a plan to attack this thing.

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