I messed up.....


10 Years
Feb 1, 2009
Suffolk County,NY
My emu eggs are due to hatch in two weeks. I decide to put some duck eggs in my incubator today. Silly me forgot that the emus are in the incubator at 96 degrees F. Will the emus be okay if I raise the temp. to 100? Will it shock them? Will the ducks be okay at 96 degrees? Any advice will be helpful!
The reason you're not getting answers is probably that no one knows. Let us know how it works out for you, and good luck.
I just raised it up to 98 degrees F. I have a forced air hova-bator so the temps are right in the middle. I dont think it was too great of a change to kill the emus considering they are well developed. I'm sure a broody male's temperatures fluctuate a bit.
I'm sure it will be alright
you better post pics when the emus hatch!!!

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