I need help ordering chicks!


12 Years
May 20, 2007
Northern Minnesota
I want to know how many roos i should have in my flock? Should I have one for each breed or will they inter breed anyway? They will all be housed together and they will be free range all day together. I already have 3 hens and one roo that are buff orp's. I want to order partridge rocks and light and dark brahmas.
I have buff orpingtons, "HAD" white plymouth rocks, have road island reds, and barred plymouth rocks, and now a couple of baby cochins.

I have two roosters... a buff orpington, and a barred plymouth rock.

Both of my roosters get along VERY nicely, and NO they did not grow up together. When they met... they kind of duked it out... but not too badly. They did get their combs a bit bloody, but after they both got an iodine treatment, they became best buds.

I think they joined together to form the "Run Away from Humans" alliance.

Just my experience... but I think both breeds are known to be gentle... so if you do go with two roosters... go with an orpington or a plymouth rock (your color choice)

The orpingtons include... Australorps (which are just well-bred black orpingtons), white, and buff. Then there are white, barred, and partridge rocks (all plymouth rocks).

You have a mighty selection there to choose. You can probably get any color orpington, or rock rooster, then breed them with another color of the same breed, like a buff orpington rooster to a black australorp hen... you still get an orpington. See what I mean?

Also... if you mix colors like that, you may end up with various other colors... like the Blue gene coming through or something neat. I dunno... genes get tricky, but I bet you will get all kinds of colors. ^_^

Yes, your roosters will breed to whatever they can get to that calls itself hen. ^_^ So if you want a pure bred... but variety in color... you have some good options within just 1 of those breeds.

Just my non-expert, newbie experience so far.

Thanks everyone. I ordered and hopefully everything will turn out ok. I need to set up a brooder because the chicks ship next wed!
Thanks to all for the advice.
What did ya get? ^_^

Southern28Chick is right.... make sure you have plenty of hens to your roosters.

Have fun!

I got some buff brahma hens, pratridge plymouth rock hens, delaware hens, Buff brahma roo, a silkie(not sure what it will be) abd a silver laces cochin hen. It should be a fun mix. I have some other homes for the packing roos.
Got any advice for a novice? This will be my first time with chicks. HELP!
Keep them warm and away from dogs and cats! LOL!

Always have food and water available.

They will grow fast, and you have a good setting crew. Partridge Rocks should be pretty good mothers and winter hearty.
Your cochin will be PRETTY!!! I'm not sure about the characteristics of the others... since I have not ever had those yet. But I think they are a really good assortment!

Good luck!


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