I need some help here.


Mar 29, 2020
Winston-Salem NC
Ok, long story short, I have a terrible time trying to keep mosquitoes off of me while I'm watching my chickens (I have to watch them when they free-range.) I mean, those stupid mosquitoes EAT ME UP! Is there any chicken-safe way to keep them from biting me while I do my chicken work? Thanks for any help!
I use a lavender lotion (Trader Joe's sells one, or you can get an unscented one and mix in lavender oil) and mix in mint oil (enough so you can smell it easily) and a little thyme oil (optional). Supposedly mosquitoes don't like those oils.

I can't claim this is an actual mosquito repellent, but after I started using this mix 2 years ago I've noticed a lot fewer bites, with most bites occurring at spots I did not cover in lotion (like back of neck).
Well I'm not keen on spraying myself in bug spray, and I'd need to use it a lot - I certainly did consider it since I normally get eaten alive since we have a lot of open water on the property, so it's prime mosquito territory. The lotion mix smells a lot nicer, the effects of the oils seem to be decently long lasting, and I normally would lotion up anyway so it's just a better option for me.

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