i need to sex some young rabbits

Yes, I can do this for you, but you can probably learn to do it yourself. You know how to expose their genitals? Rabbit genitals are like a figure 8 where one of the loops is the anus and the other the genitals. Off to either side of this, closer to the legs is where the scrotums on an adult male would hang.
To expose the genitals you look at the figure 8, and basically "pull" gently at them with your fingers, pressing down gently at the sides of the genital opening to pull the skin away, like you're gently trying to invert it. Something will be exposed, either a slit that runs down to the bottom of the opening with two distinct veins at the top (toward the head of the rabbit that is) giving it a "Y" look, or a small round tube with the middle pushed in, like a sock that's turned half-way inside out. The "Y" is a girl and the tube is a boy.

In older rabbits, the male's whole penis will be exposed, and the females will often have thicker, more flushed, developed genitals that closer resemble the inverted sock, but they're not the distinct "tube" shape a male has, it's loose and thick, and longer than it is wide. If there's no penis or scrotum in an older rabbit (5 mos or so), it's a girl.
Oh, those photos are way too small/low resolution to see anything on. :| It looks like the second one MIGHT be a boy...? But I really can't tell from such low-res photos. If you had a better shot with decent lighting...? Also, how old are the bunnies? I can usually gender around 3 weeks with 95%+ accuracy, and 100% accuracy at 6 weeks, so if they're 6+ weeks it should be pretty easy to tell in person, even if you're not sure what you're looking at.

Here's some good picture of young male/female rabbits;

Note that on the boys, the hole clearly is round and does NOT go into the body cavity the way it does on the females. It has a distinct top and bottom/edge to the opening, whereas females have a long slit that goes into the body.
and I have both looked at the pictures, and we agree that the second rabbit is male. The first isn't quite so clear, but we are both leaning toward male on that one, too.
Oh, I still don't get this "newer" photobucket. Time was it'd just show you the full sized picture when you clicked on it.... I am also leaning toward M/M upon reviewing the larger images. :p But better lighting would go a long way.
Oh, I still don't get this "newer" photobucket. Time was it'd just show you the full sized picture when you clicked on it.... I am also leaning toward M/M upon reviewing the larger images. :p But better lighting would go a long way.
I hear you. It seems like every time I finally get comfortable with the set up on photobucket, they change things! A couple of days ago, Baby
uploaded some pictures into my account; something she's never done before. Just "flying by the seat of her pants," she did it in about 30 seconds. I told her, "you realize, it would probably have taken me at least 10 minutes to work out how to do that!"
Only if you get them fixed. Oftentimes rabbits that aren't fixed will fight, sometimes viciously, when kept together. Rabbits are social, but only to a point. That point tends to be sexual maturity. :p Sometimes it works out... But if it doesn't then it could be too late, the hormones could be there and not going away. Having seen only a semi-serious rabbit fight and dealt with the after-math (my doe had a HUGE cut 2 inches across on her rear, bloody and torn, the other rabbit had bites all over, and it was just a moment for that to happen) I strongly suggest you either separate them or fix them before it gets bad.

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