I ordered lots of chicks!


11 Years
Feb 19, 2008
50, to be exact! Shhh, don't tell my husband. I told my husband I was ordering and that the minimum was 25 and kind of let him think that's how many I ordered. They come on Friday! I'm so excited.

I ordered the pullet Surprise Special. I couldn't make up my mind what I wanted so thought I would see what I got and keep the ones I most like and sell the others in a few months.
How I wish I lived on a farm.... I made the mistake of telling my wife I had ordered some Lav Am chicks...

... that order has been cancelled... now I'm trying to help her understand why I have to do an Easter hatch...not easy with 36 chicks on the back porch.
I never have a problem selling extra chicks or started pullets around here. So since I have room, I can get away with having too many chicks for awhile.

dacasodivine: Getting 50 will let you pick and choose and see which ones you like the best and then you can easily sell and rehome the extras. I bet you could even make a little extra money from it, maybe that will help when you explain to your husband about how 25 turned into 50.

Mahonri: Oh how I wish I lived near you.....I would let you hatch all those pretty blue eggs and then I would take the chicks home with me.
Maybe you need to do a shipping experiment and ship me your extra chicks.
I am trying to rationalize spending the money to get some chicks from Jean. I want some really bad. Must have blue eggs.
Have you heard of the 48 hour rule? This probably would be difficult to do with 25 chicks, but here's how it works. If you buy something that you think will be controversial with your spouse, get in into the house without being seen. Place the item in plain view, although it could be a fairly unused area of the house/garage/etc. If it goes unnoticed by the spouse for 48 hours you have earned the right, upon being asked about it, to say "Oh that? I've had that for a looong time. Practically for ever".
I'm sure that would work very well at your house......do you really think your wife would notice if you just happened to slip some 'extra' chicks in somewhere??

I'm sorry you don't get your Lav Am's
I'm just hoping he doesn't count them! I asked him to bring me a really big box from his work to brood them in. Hopefully he won't do more than glance in. Once they're here, he won't say anything. He'll just roll his eyes. He knows me.

Right now my plan is to build a "chick yard" off the main chicken yard so they have their own space once they're big enough to go out. I don't want to worry the big girls will hurt them.

I can't wait to get them. I'll post pics. I'm sure I'll need help identifying what's what.

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