i think i am gonna lose one of my chicks at any minute (updated)

I would separate her from the other chicks. They might be picking on her or keeping her from the food. If you have something like polyvisol vitamins (without iron) at home, try dribbling a few drops on her beak. I hope it's not too late. Prayers sent!
Thats all I can really think of - hope it helps - maybe someone that knows more will find this thread..... but I'll keep checking back just in case I can help with anything else
Try to get some of that in her - then maybe try to make some mush out of chick feed in a little bit. Be sure she doesn't get too cold
i have a syringe but what is the bast way to feed her? a drop on the tip of the beak or try to open her mouth and force.

also how much should i give her?
Does she have pasty butt? Is she able to walk? How old is she? (I cant remember if you said before) Does she try to walk? If you pick her up does she respond or just lay there? Is she limp? Do her feathers look normal?

I dont know much about it but people that do know will better be able to help if they have some more info.

All I know is if she is sick you want to sepperate her from the others, and thoroughly (SP?) clean the brooder.
With my little one that I've been nursing, I put a drop along th etip of her beak. I can sometimes get her to take several drops at a time. Be careful to give her time to breath though.
Unfortunately if she is so weak you may have to open her beak and force it the first few times - just go slow - a drop or two at a time
she walks a little but is walking less now. she sits a bit on her side. very weak. when i pick her up she is somewhat limp but still tries to fight a little. her feathers do look normal but not on par with the others. she still has a baby bird look to her face unlike the others. i think she may just be a runt or something. i don't think she is sick.
I have one who is growing so much slower than the others. I started separating her, putting her closer to the heat lamp, and giving her a little sugar water when I noticed that she didn't seem to be thriving like the rest. I'm happy to report that she is holding her own now and even though she is still much smaller than the rest, she seems to be doing very well.

that your little one will pull through with the extra TLC she is now receiving!

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