Icelandic Chickens

Got my highest # of Icelandic eggs in one day today... 6 eggs from 9 pullets. Got another six from the other layers. Record day for this year.
I don't see how a 2-3 pound bird can feed a family of 9, not counting my two married brothers.


Really I have 8 siblings.
LOTS of dessert? Or you just need a few more roosters.

I have rigged up a little arctic entry for the chickens and have been leaving the pop door open.
Seems to be working well with the temps we have had so far, lows around -20F.When it gets
down to -40 will probably need to close the door. With a balmy +5F a couple of them wanted
to scratch around outside today.
A chicken igloo - I love it!
Got my highest # of Icelandic eggs in one day today... 6 eggs from 9 pullets. Got another six from the other layers. Record day for this year.
Great news! Only got 3 eggs (1 Icelandic) yesterday in my large coop - time to worm them now, not too many eggs to toss.
I did get a chance to go out and open up the 2nd pop door and the only ones who took advantage of the semi green grass by the coop were Icelandics... so I ran in and got my camera.

This is Phyllis... She has a "do"

Here is a "group shot" from left to right. Arby, Blackie (original huh?), Blucy, Cloud and the tail end of Goldie.

Whitney is the one with the white tail, included in the pic is "Rose" the large Icelandic behind the run fence with the HUGE Rose comb... include also in the pic is the tail end of Larraine, my Australorp and Blue, my EE. Blue has YET to lay an egg. She came out of one of 'bargain's eggs.

Here is another shot of Phyllis

And Blackie, walking away. I had a black hen larger than her that had a huge crest and she laid very large eggs like Rose, but one day she just passed away for seemingly no reason.

Phyllis eating some bread, with Blucy and Cloud getting ready to take a piece of bread out of my hand!

Cloud, Phyllis and Goldie.

Goldie, Arby and Cloud

Goldie, Arby and Blucy

Another shot of Phyllis and her amazing crest.

Not pictured are Ida and a couple of others.
Do you think you have the runs secure now? If so what seems to work?

yes but it is no fun. I am making a new run to split my flock as they only have a 10x10 run plus the coop for my 13 remaining chickens so I am making one for the breeders. I am trying to get 2 real big roosters. some Jersey Giants that have been raised up together to hang out with the layers and remaining icelandic's . Maybe a 12 pound rooster will make a hawk want to think twice. The breeds of chickens I keep do not like confinement so this is temporay
Mahonri, lovely pics of your girls. I like Blucy and Goldie's coloration. I love seeing pictures of other peoples' Icelandics

Cooper, I can't remember if you said already, but what got your birds?

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