Icelandic Chickens

Well all the chicks are alive and well and she is mothering them wonderfully.

I put them in the pet carrier and moved them to the west grow out pen in the DARK this morning.

Then after I'd put a waterer at the front with some chick mash, I shined the light in and she had scooted all of the chicks under her and then because she could see, she saw one of her stray golf balls and tenderly tucked it under too!

IT WORKED!!! Ida's a mommy!!!
Well all the chicks are alive and well and she is mothering them wonderfully.

I put them in the pet carrier and moved them to the west grow out pen in the DARK this morning.

Then after I'd put a waterer at the front with some chick mash, I shined the light in and she had scooted all of the chicks under her and then because she could see, she saw one of her stray golf balls and tenderly tucked it under too!

IT WORKED!!! Ida's a mommy!!!

Yaaaay! Good girl, Ida!
Well done Ida and Mahonri! We'd love to see a picture
Well all the chicks are alive and well and she is mothering them wonderfully.

I put them in the pet carrier and moved them to the west grow out pen in the DARK this morning.

Then after I'd put a waterer at the front with some chick mash, I shined the light in and she had scooted all of the chicks under her and then because she could see, she saw one of her stray golf balls and tenderly tucked it under too!

IT WORKED!!! Ida's a mommy!!!
Well all the chicks are alive and well and she is mothering them wonderfully.

I put them in the pet carrier and moved them to the west grow out pen in the DARK this morning.

Then after I'd put a waterer at the front with some chick mash, I shined the light in and she had scooted all of the chicks under her and then because she could see, she saw one of her stray golf balls and tenderly tucked it under too!

IT WORKED!!! Ida's a mommy!!!
That is so awesome!

Here is my Ida with her five chicks. There are two browns... one with a white breast, a small light chipmunk and two blondies... I imagine those came from Cloud's eggs. I think the browns came from Rose's eggs and perhaps the light chipmunk came from Ida or Whitney. The only two that I am certain that the roo was frisky with were Cloud and Whitney, and of course Icelandics are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get.
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Here is my Ida with her five chicks. There are two browns... one with a white breast, a small light chipmunk and two blondies... I imagine those came from Cloud's eggs. I think the browns came from Rose's eggs and perhaps the light chipmunk came from Ida or Whitney. The only two that I am certain that the roo was frisky with were cloud and Whitney, and of course Icelandics are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get.
She looks like she would like for you to keep your distance with that look she's giving you. Adorable chicks!
Finally caught up on this thread, ive been too busy catching up on the NYD Hatch a long thread that moves at a ridiculous rate.

- Ida is gorgeous! So happy that she has turned into a great momma for you!

I started collecting eggs to be set to hatch for New Years, i should have between 10-12 icelandic's going into the bator
I have two very colourful roosters, two speckled hens and then a pure white hen so should be interesting what I will get!

Two of my girls seem depressed lately. My one has had that 'ruffled up' appearance for a long time, she has a pale comb, but always comes egerly when i bring treats and roosts up with everyone else. Now my white hen is developing the same type of attitude, they just hang out in the corner of the coop together, the white hen only started to do this a couple of days ago. I opened up all the barn doors today to get some sunlight in, hoping it would cheer them up. The doors have been closed more lately because of the colder weather, but they have light for 13 hrs a day and windows. Anyone have any idea's how to perk them up?

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