Icelandic Chickens

I just swapped out my Icelandic eggs with the EE eggs under my broody she's got the Icees, and I have the EE's in my incubator. I am very interested to see what happens with these eggs.
Yes, there were! When Ragnor and his son are entering the village to meet the Lord, there was a cage on the right side of the screen with what look to be a columbian colored bird. I don't have a dvr so couldn't pause and look closely at the comb, but maybe someone who does will comment.
Looked like Columbian Plymouth Rocks to me but it only showed them for a couple frames
Spoiler Alert people!
Yes, there were! When Ragnor and his son are entering the village to meet the Lord, there was a cage on the right side of the screen with what look to be a columbian colored bird. I don't have a dvr so couldn't pause and look closely at the comb, but maybe someone who does will comment.

I saw it and was quite disappointed, a good example of a poorly researched time/era presentation. Starting with unbelievable actors, and scenarios. I got tired of critizing it and went to bed. Its much easier to authenticate that era then they obviously tried to do.

I was also surprised as to the lack of chickens, expecting to see something like Icelandics but the ones that briefly were shown in this episode appeared to be just nondescript English chickens. And I also didnt notice any other livestock. A mention as to pigs. There were far more sheep there then pigs, which I really dont believe came until later, the remark about giving the head to the pigs might better have been to give it to the dogs, of which also I didnt see any.

Its a pity that the actual production didnt match up to the pre-show hype.

This the oldest Icelandic I have hatched right now, it is 5 weeks old. The grandkids have named it Mohawk. It loves to sit on my shoulder and ride around. It will snuggle into my neck and go to sleep.

Happy Chooks you didn't' steal 'any from Mary. You just told her they were cockerels and she was glad to dump them on you. Sly devil you are
We shall see................

Good Evening Everyone! I did some coop cleaning this aftenoon and took this picture of the Icelandics checking it out....
Nice and clean!
Yes, there were! When Ragnor and his son are entering the village to meet the Lord, there was a cage on the right side of the screen with what look to be a columbian colored bird. I don't have a dvr so couldn't pause and look closely at the comb, but maybe someone who does will comment.
i watched this too! they looked like my light sussex hens!
This the oldest Icelandic I have hatched right now, it is 5 weeks old. The grandkids have named it Mohawk. It loves to sit on my shoulder and ride around. It will snuggle into my neck and go to sleep.

The name fits perfectly!! Love the blue coloring!
This the oldest Icelandic I have hatched right now, it is 5 weeks old. The grandkids have named it Mohawk. It loves to sit on my shoulder and ride around. It will snuggle into my neck and go to sleep.

I hope it lives without seeing mo' hawk
... sorry couldn't resist

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