Icelandic Chickens

Red you probably have chestnut hair. Thats my guess, post a pic and we'll tell you.

My mother had chestnut hair, and had two red headed daughters. We all carried her red gene. Eventually all of the human race will be red heads, according to my genetics professor.

Re the broody, if you want to candle often get an incubator, leave your broody alone ! Once or so is aplenty to disturb her. Unless you know that she is an extremely patient and forgiving hen. Otherwise let her do her thing.

That said, I am enjoying your posts.

Sure glad to know that Dar isnt Happy Chooks. We got enough spooks running loose as it is.

Life is good and better with Icelandic Chickens
Eventually all of the human race will be red heads, according to my genetics professor.

Yes, because red hair is the most recessive. Once you've lost your dominant gene it is gone!

Something to think about when breeding chickens.

You can get something recessive when you don't see it, you CAN'T get something dominant if you don't see it.
Hmm.....My genetics professor said that red heads would be completely gone within 100 years. Due to it's recessive nature...
Haha, I heard somewhere that because the gene for blue eyes in humans is recessive, it's a mutation, and eventually there will be no more blue-eyed people. So of course, this is why I've been seeing far more blue-eyed people than brown, right?
Haha, I heard somewhere that because the gene for blue eyes in humans is recessive, it's a mutation, and eventually there will be no more blue-eyed people. So of course, this is why I've been seeing far more blue-eyed people than brown, right?
In northern Utah, you are always going to see Ephraimite, blue eyed folks. LOL
Lots of people wear the tinted contac lens so you never can tell.

My son is a redhead or was, he shaves his head now. People used to drive him nuts when he was a kid "Such beautiful red hair, too bad it's wasted on a boy." I should have just

I always wanted to be a redhead - I did have dark brown hair but it had a strong red cast in the sun.
There is a lot of red hair in our family too, but I think the "die out " story is not correct. It IS a recessive gene though. This is from wikipedia:

Extinction hoaxSee also: Disappearing blonde gene
A 2007 report in The Courier-Mail, which cited the National Geographic magazine and unnamed "geneticists", said that red hair is likely to die out in the near future.[30] Other blogs and news sources ran similar stories that attributed the research to the magazine or the "Oxford Hair Foundation". However, a HowStuffWorks article says that the foundation was funded by hair-dye maker Procter & Gamble, and that other experts had dismissed the research as either lacking in evidence or simply bogus. The National Geographic article in fact states "while redheads may decline, the potential for red isn't going away".[31]

Red hair is caused by a relatively rare recessive gene, the expression of which can skip generations. It is not likely to disappear at any time in the foreseeable future.[31]

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