Icelandic Chickens

Keep the bad weather away from us. We were having flooding last week, it is thundering and lightening right now. Also, our power has been out for about 3 1/2 hours, thankfully we have a whole house generator.

Nice sunny pictures.
that your bad weather goes away!
Thanks for the I don't have any Icelandic chickens. ....yet...hahaha...but sure am hoping that will change soon..
Back in 1980 + I was introduced to several very nice Icelandic gentlemen doing business with my roomate who was importing and promoting the Icelandic Horse. ..which she still does.
I'll have to say up untill just this year I wasn't at all familiar with this marvelous landrace of chickens. I admire the heartiness and diversity in coloration, and other features noted with Icelandic chickens too.

If I had been introduced to this great breed back in 1980 when I was raising south American landrace chickens, most likely I'd be involved still....

I find these birds have so many attributes I'm looking have always been drawn to the uniqueness of individual birds instead of the cookie cutter / clone look from breeds...this is just my preference and always has been.
Thanks for the I don't have any Icelandic chickens. ....yet...hahaha...but sure am hoping that will change soon..
Back in 1980 + I was introduced to several very nice Icelandic gentlemen doing business with my roomate who was importing and promoting the Icelandic Horse. ..which she still does.
I'll have to say up untill just this year I wasn't at all familiar with this marvelous landrace of chickens. I admire the heartiness and diversity in coloration, and other features noted with Icelandic chickens too.

If I had been introduced to this great breed back in 1980 when I was raising south American landrace chickens, most likely I'd be involved still....

I find these birds have so many attributes I'm looking have always been drawn to the uniqueness of individual birds instead of the cookie cutter / clone look from breeds...this is just my preference and always has been.
gloryblue, I bolded and underlined your post above. This describes why Icelandics are perfect for those of us wanting a variety without having multiple breeds. Looking at my flock of individuals and knowing I am keeping a gene pool alive and diverse that would, if the breed was "standardized", be lost for the sake of uniformity, gives me a sense of accomplishment.

I hope everyone had a fun and safe 4th of July!
We headed to Chicago to watch the White Sox defeat the Seattle Mariners. Many veterans were honored throughout the night and patriotic music filled the air. After the game, we got to watch a great fireworks display at the ballpark. On the way home, we got to see more fireworks that the various Chicagoland suburbs were shooting-off. It was a great time.
It appears that Glima and Gunnar (gray, crested KY hen) are giving broodiness another try.........
Glima was such a failure last time that I don't know whether to let her have another go at it or try to break her. Gunnar had shipped eggs and none hatched so I'm going to give her three.

I'll try to get some new pics of Elska's group today.

Seinna, The Other Mary
Elska and her chicks...

All eight of the Easter Hatchalong youngsters along with Glora's singleton and Audun and Fina...

No chance of anything spreading.....all cats here were feral rescues and are neutered

Cy loves to photo bomb my attempts at photographing the flock.
Here is the photo before cropping...

Here he is with "Lil Brother" wrestling..

and our third cat, Sarabi, who is above all the roughhousing that the two boys engage in...

They share the barn and, more often than not, their food, with the chickens.
Nope, had to be her. I have only had them for a week and they are on the same stuff as my other birds it is a mix. I think they are frustrated being in the quarantine pens because they are probably used to free ranging. I separated them and they are in quarantine for one more week

Sorry to chime in late, but I wanted to add that I have a couple of hens who do NOT like confinement and will feather pick when caged. I have one in particular who is a booger about it, but she's my nutter.

Cute chick picks! Mary, the picture of your grandson chasing Audun made me laugh.

I still have five chicks plugging along. Lost one to wry neck :( And I'm worried about my smallest chick, as I haven't had good luck with the tiny chicks. Guess we'll see.
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