Ideal and Araucanas?

key west chick

11 Years
May 31, 2008
Gainesville, GA
My little local feed store is getting a shipment of chicks from Ideal next week. I was asking the owner what kind of chicks they were expecting. He said a few breeds and then he said they were getting araucanas. I said real araucanas or easter eggers. He said real araucanas, the ones that lay blue eggs and are from Chile. I plan to go look and see but has anyone ever heard Ideal selling araucanas?
;)you dont usually get ameraucanas from a hatchery......let alone auracanas.....................right? i mean, some peopel say they have ameraucanas but usually its ees. where is this feed store...................i may need to make a trip.
They all say Aracaunas.
If they are from a hatchery they are EE's which I personally adore. They are great pets and mine lay beautiful blue eggs every single day. And some are double yolkers...
They're Easter Eggers, regardless of the hatchery. Although the sad thing is that you may not get a green or blue egg layer. My one EE hen lays brown eggs.
I still love her, though!
I know, but man, the owner sure sounded convinced he was getting araucanas. Not even ameraucanas, araucanas. I have some true araucanas and I'll know what to look for. I even asked him if they were EE's and he said no. Its sad really that not only the consumer is taken for a ride, but so are business owners. I didnt want to argue with him in front of customers and his employees though. They are getting some SLW too so I'll go back anyway.
wouldnt it be awsome if they were though.......................i mean, in all probability they are most likely ees, but wouldnt it be neat if they did turn out to be rumpless little auracanas! sigh, that probably wont happen but we can dream that we walk into a tsc and see little rumpless peeps with ear tufts.
also, i like ees too, they are so varied, its a suprise to see what neat colors of feathers and eggs youll get.
What's wrong with getting them from a breeder? Someone who you know and chat to on this very forum. . . Someone who you actually see the parents of? There are indeed Araucana people here.
I ordered two 'Easter Eggers' from Ideal last summer. One of them had no rear end. I figured that maybe somewhere in its family tree there was an Araucana and the genes decided to show themeselves in this one little chick. It was sickly and died two days later, so I guess I will never know. I have never understood why most of the 'mainstream' hatcheries don't sell pure Ameraucana's/Araucana - maybe the EE's are more hardy???

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