Ideal MG discussion

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Thanks, none of those symptoms so I'll still go with cocci. I decided after reading so much about MG (especially your post) and other avain diseases that I would practice all reasonable bio-security including quarantine but I wasn't going to be paranoid about it. My hands are flaking from all the hand washing but I'm still going to the poultry show tomorrow (to watch, not show). I do plan on having my birds tested later on just so that I can be a responsible poultry owner.

If there was blood and they just started dropping then Cocci is it. There's not a lot you can do for Cocci except use medicated feed.

Keep the forum posted on where you get your birds tested. One of the biggest problems for many members is finding a testing facility, agency or vet.
Then I would not worry about it too much, it would build resistance for the survivors and take out the weakest. I never had MG in my flock and hopefully either they are MG free or carriers.

Cocci is a nasty disease to get rid of and it happens in a flock a time or two. Even wild birds and pigeons (very numberous in our area) have it too!

So for those who are not troubled by this information, go ahead and order your chicks from Ideal. I didn't have any problems with any of them yet.
We need to be careful not to damage the credibility of a hatchery that has a LOT of happy customers. It's my understanding that most hatcheries and most commercial flocks have MG to some degree or another.
I was notified by my (MD) Dept. of Ag 3 days ago, as I buy from them too. I like Ideal, but I don't want MG in my flock, I try very hard to keep my birds healthy. You can call them at 410-543-6610 M-F and ask for Kim Arnold or Dr. Claudia Osorio. Check for yourself, it's true. I just hope they get it cleared up in time for next Spring, when I will want to buy from them again.
Ideal, like most hatcheries, have over 100 various breeding flocks spread over multiple facilities. They also use smaller hatcheries as fulfillment centers. If MD knew about it then I'm guessing a MD resident received infected birds and MD confirmed the results and source.

Managing an ourtbreak, even a small one, is a very expensive nightmare for them. Hopefully they will comment here.
Hi Y'all,

I saw the original post and went to make a reply but it disappeared when I hit the Send button. I see the topic has reappeared and I'm glad to see the discussion.

I just wanted to say I think Purple has pretty well hit the nail on the head. According to what I've read, almost all chickens at one time carried MG. Then there were some breeds that were commercially produced to be free from MG but the vast majority of birds still have it.

The Chicken Health Handbook talks about this on Pages 113 & 114 if I remember right. Just the fact that the "majority" of chickens have MG ought to tell you something right there. It is certainly nothing to be going Chicken Little (pun intended) over.

Honestly, I don't have a clue whether my birds have MG or not. My birds free range and I have wild ducks, Bald Eagles, crows, and who knows how many other types of wild birds come onto my place. I might be more surprised to find they don't have it than they do.

Having said that, my birds are very healthy. I've never had any signs of sneezing, coughing, runny nose or anything else. I recently had an Easter Egger die on me because she developed some kind of cheesy infection in her vent but I isolated her (and probably killed her with too much antibiotics) and had no problems with any other birds. I've never had any signs of lice or mite problems. The State is testing for AI and for NPIP. All in all, I would say my birds are very healthy. Anyone who wants to come by my place can see for themselves.

So, if I have MG, and my birds are all healthy - that's all the better. It means I'm raising a good, hearty, disease-resistent bunch of birds.

Now, if my entire flock starts falling over dead, I'll have to re-assess the situation. Right now, my guess is that my birds are in the "majority" with many others.

Oh, one more thing. Purple also made an excellent point in that Ideal probably isn't any different than any other hatchery. When you're buying eggs from others and hatching them for sale, you really can't know for sure what you're getting now can you? And the same goes for someone buying chicks from someone else. You really can't know for sure what you're getting. That's just common-sense.

God Bless,
I will be making a call to MD DOA on Monday to obtain a report under the freedom of information act if this report exists. If there is one I will post it, if not Ideal deserves a BIG apology!
Ok Tailfeathers, give your birds some nyquil LOL! At the sightest hint of a sneeze!

Ok Walking Wolf, let us know what you find!

MG is so common and it is up to us to do the best for our birds. I agree with Tailfeathers and Purple Chicken that MG is here to stay. If all of our birds are carriers, well, let's hope for the best that our flock does not get wiped out and we would have to wipe the slate clean.
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