Ideas for Breeds in Wisconsin (aka 90 degrees in the summer, -10 degrees in the winter)

Our Easter Egger and Olive Egger that looks like a black Ameraucana are the friendliest even without much effort from us.
Once spring is here I think they will make friends with the kids fast.
Thanks for the advise everyone! We did the calc and it ended up being cheaper to buy day old chicks and ship them than to buy older pullers and pick them up. So we also decided to order now rather than wait a couple months. That meant that we needed to get 15 chicks, though!

So now we're starting a rather large flock of 2 Buff Brahmas, a Buff Brahma Bantam, a Partridge Cochin, a Mottled Cochin Bantam, 2 Black Frizzle Cochin Bantams, a Mille Fleur d'Uccle Bantam, 2 Blue Easter Eggers, an Olive Egger, 2 Barred Rocks, and 2 Golden Laced Wyandottes.

Going to have to make a bigger coop or re-home some chicks down the line!
I like that you got enough that you can pick the favorites and sell the others as started pullets. It will be interesting making the decision on who to keep and who to rehome.

I personally vote for the larger coop. LOL I know how chicken math works.
(I wanted 6 and was up to 42 at one point)
I like that you got enough that you can pick the favorites and sell the others as started pullets. It will be interesting making the decision on who to keep and who to rehome.

I personally vote for the larger coop. LOL I know how chicken math works.
(I wanted 6 and was up to 42 at one point) :oops:

Oh wow! That's a lot of chickens.

We'll probably end up with maybe a few more than planned, but it will be nice to get to pick and choose chicks that we've gotten to know and get along with one another. Plus it would be nice to help some local people out who won't have to spend a fortune on starter hens!

It did cross my mind that maybe we would just keep them all, but during peak laying times we'd have over 50 eggs a week!
I sell my extra eggs or give them to neighbors. It helps offset the cost of feed some.

You will also get to try a few different breeds and find the ones that fit for you best. It will be hard to rehome some though. I know from experience that the ones you like may not be the best fit in the flock. In the end it ends up being what is best for them. Polish for example are super cute and funny but did not fit into my flock well at all. My others seemed to think the head poofs were for plucking.

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