If I post it, will they call???


10 Years
Apr 3, 2009
Tossing round ideas for making a bit of money (or barter) my mum and I hit upon the idea of my teaching people how to kill and clean their chickens.

I keep reading about people with chickens who dont know how to kill or clean them and dont want to try it first time without help so was wondering if people would pay or barter for learning from me how to go about it?

All I know how to do is dry pluck so was wondering if that would be a draw back or if it would be OK? And if its OK, how much would YOU pay or barter for someone to come to your house and help you over the hurdle of the first chicken kill?

I'm not sure about anyone else but the Amish around me only charge $1 per bird to do it themselves. At that price, I would rather have them do it at their farm and no mess here!
I like the idea but I have some suggestions too.

If you were a chicken processor that would go out to peoples houses, that could be another or enhanced service that you provide. Some people just don't want to deal with the killing and gutting etc. Some, who are DIYer's would probably just learn by doing and perhaps hire someone like yourself to show them the ropes.

As far as what to charge/barter, I'd say charge the going rate for 10 birds. The first 3 you do and they watch, the next three you guide them through it, and the last 4 you watch as they do it alone and only point out mistakes. After that you can leave them to the chore.

You might also think about bundling the service with equipment like pluckers, cones, scalding pots/stoves, etc.

Ok I have never and will never "do the deed" but I was at my adult softball game and onr of the players said he and a couple friends culled some birds that weekend. In never doing it I asked how and he said they twist there necks and then snap them?? Is that true is that what needs to be done???
Well, I'm not sure there are many people who will take you up on that- there are too many people who are willing to show people for free, in exchange for a day of help. For example, I'm getting ready to post a thread because I'm going to be processing in a couple of weeks, so I'll offer anyone who wants to learn to come out and watch/help.
I agree, but I think that If I could not find someone to help and learn from.... I DO think that I would pay someone to do it for me.

Actually, I rather have some Amish people charge me a buck!
It's one way but probably not the best way for longevity of food preservation. You really should bleed the animal out thoroughly. Usually you put the chicken in a metal cone and let them hang upside down. Then you slit their jugular and let their heart pump the blood from their body. This helps with taste of the food and also the less blood, the longer the meat will keep.

You use the cone to keep them from flapping and kicking which can bruise the meat and also spray blood everywhere. You can catch the blood in a bucket and compost it.

Well, it was just a thought so thanks for the input:D

Lovechicks8,if it helps, I put the chicken into a bag with a hole for its head to stick out of, hang it on a tree branch and then use longhandled loppers to take the head off, they bleed out well and no chance of mucking it up or cutting myself. Its REALLY easy!
I agree its a cool idea, heck I wouldn't mind seeing how a few others butcher. But it really depends on where you are at. For me, the Amish will butcher and wrap a chicken for $2.50 a bird. So, I really dont see myself doing any butchering.
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