If you had 6 cups of fresh pumpkin from your freezer...


11 Years
Sep 7, 2008
Munfordville, KY
What would you do with it... need ideas please
I have a pumpkin bread recipe that is to die for. Pumpkin pies also come to mind. Do you have any dogs? I've made my own dog food many a time and I always like to add some pumpkin to it. It gives them fiber and it is also a natural de-wormer.
I have many pounds of frozen pumpkin in my freezer. I'm wondering the same thing. I have made a really good curry pumpkin soup several times. There are a number of recipes for that and other pumpkin soups online. Give them a try, they're delicious!
Pumpkin Rolls to give as gifts for the holidays or take to the neighborhood senior center.
I've never had Pumpkin Soup... hummm, sounds interesting
I found a pumpkin pancake recipe and pumpkin jam recipe I think I'm gonna try too.
Go to epicurious.com and type "pumpkin" in the recipe search box. You'll get some great recipes! The one for pumpkin chocolate chip muffins is absolutely to die for (I substitute canola oil for the butter, and have made it as a Bundt cake as well). Incredible!
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Pumpkin is a great soup thickener. It pairs very well with beef and mushrooms.

Pumpkin cheese cakee is another good use for all that pumpkin.

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