I'll never use my mixer again! (Warning:Graphic Pics)

DH once found a garter snake in the living room. Never told me until after we moved - was afraid I'd take up a room at the Holiday Inn if I knew. Turned out the snake got in through the dryer vent.

EWWW! Good luck!
I love scarcasm and thats the first time I've smiled all day (ty!). I used to like snakes and have handeled them, when friends had them as pets. But since we've moved out here, every time this happens, I get more and more afraid. I am developing a real phobia here and it stinks!

I have NO mice, rats, or other varmints. I have a sinking suspection they used to live in our attic before we bought the house. The house HAD many small openings they we've sealed up over the last three years. I know they can be territorial and was thinking they sleep up there in the heat at night and leave during the day to feed? IDK?!
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OMG I would of freaked out also. I feel for you I for one wouldnt want to deal with that either. I would get some expandable foam and a flashlight and start looking for holes and filling them up good. Look at night have someone shining the light inside while someone is outside looking for the light, when you see light start foaming good for keeping most all pest out of the house. Good for keeping the cool air in during the summer and the warm in the winter you might even find you save some money on you heating and cooling bills.
we have a double wide that we rent out, and for some reason, it used to get alot of snakes in it, really big ones. ( tenants were not very happy)

We put moth ball under the house, and all around, and we have not seen one since. it smells like moth balls, but we put like 4 boxes under the house and 4 more around it.
Thanks! I will have DH check the dryer vent... I'm not going near ANY possible snake hide outs for a LONG time!

...I wish DH would be the one to find them, but it's ALWAYS me!...
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If you use mothballs, be sure the chickens can't get to them, and can't ever get to the ground where they've been. They are really toxic, and dissolve in the rain, saturating the ground.

I think the foam idea was a really good one! But the dryer vent? I don't know, it has to be able to blow the air and humidity out. Screen would block up the vent. Maybe hardware cloth, and clean it weekly?

Man oh man, I feel for you. That was a big snake. My DH raised snakes as a kid, so he's cool with them. I'm not sure what I would do- we do keep a 5 gallon bucket with holes around, for capturing them. I might have just called 911 if I was alone!

now that you got all the holes plugged .. those snakes cannot get out..

the reason you do not see many mice is probably because the snakes are there..

but you know what?? I would have done the same as you.. I don't mind snakes in their envoirnment,, but not in mine..

don't forget to turn on the light tonight when ou go to the bathroom..
Thanks! I will have DH check the dryer vent... I'm not going near ANY possible snake hide outs for a LONG time!

...I wish DH would be the one to find them, but it's ALWAYS me!...

There is a dryer vent cover that has flaps on it and if the dryer is not going then the flaps are closed. I have one on mine since it is close to the ground.

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