illegal to buy light bulbs...

eminent domain
That was so freaking random, and is somehow on AND off topic at the same time! Congratulations, we have succeeded in creating an epic paradox.
I've noticed that when I post threads do one of three things:

#1: Go waaaaaaay off topic.
#2: Die.
#3: Go way off topic and then get locked because someone called someone else a name or something.
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It was bugging me.

"Should hostilities once break out between Japan and the United States, it would not be enough that we take Guam and the Philippines, nor even Hawaii and San Francisco. To make victory certain, we would have to march into Washington and dictate the terms of peace in the White House. I wonder if our politicians (who speak so lightly of a Japanese-American war) have confidence as to the final outcome and are prepared to make the necessary sacrifices."

There's more in the letter. The rifle quote refers to US industrial might. We could field a lot more weapons and make more than Japan could. Yamamoto went to Harvard and was familiar with our industry.
Oh, you're a spelling Nazi like I am. Good to know I'm not alone.
Also, Yamamoto may have been referring in part to industrial might, but keep in mind that we were in the middle of the Depression, so the industrial might wasn't looking too impressive at that time. He had to have a good knowledge of the sheer number of gun owners here, and was almost certainly referring to that as well. Even if he wasn't, he knew it was true. Nobody wants to give a redneck an excuse to shoot, much less a country full of them.
Problem is we have few rural men anymore....

Since the industrialization of agriculture, and the fall of our manufacturing....Young men either wait tables or become lawyers. Neither of which make them a good shot..

This is another reason on my list of many for toppling the status quo in America and specifically in what American agriculture has become.. I want to see more small farms, less suburban sprawl, more local agriculture and more people not wanting Mc Mansions in cornfields with gold plated toilets to signify success in life.

Oh, you're a spelling Nazi like I am. Good to know I'm not alone.
Also, Yamamoto may have been referring in part to industrial might, but keep in mind that we were in the middle of the Depression, so the industrial might wasn't looking too impressive at that time. He had to have a good knowledge of the sheer number of gun owners here, and was almost certainly referring to that as well. Even if he wasn't, he knew it was true. Nobody wants to give a redneck an excuse to shoot, much less a country full of them.

It was looking a heck of a lot better than Japan's at the time. They didn't really modernize until after the war.
The Nazis couldn't make it across the English Channel because the Luftwaffe was so incompetent?

Who was bombing England almost every night? Sure they would have had a hard time invading England. Shore defenses are a lot harder to get through than air defenses. Hitler did a pretty darn good job before we got there. It took us a long time to defeat the Luftwaffe.

The US hasn't had a serious threat of invasion since the Revolutionary War. All our rednecks would be great for sniping an invading Army but wouldn't be able to do the job if we didn't have the best military in the world.

That movie Red Dawn was entertaining but was ridiculous. The only real threat we've ever had was from strategic nuclear missiles. If that ever happened there wouldn't be enough of the enemies military or country left to mount any kind of offense against us.

Too bad Bushes timing was so bad. If he would have known what would happen to the country during 2000-2008 he could have saved the Iraqi war for someone else to start. Just mentioning that since the mobilization to get us on a war footing is what finally got us completely out of the depression. Bushes war had the opposite effect.
I just want to point out that during WWII we were not in the middle of the Great Depression. WWII is generally considered to have started in 1939 (some may put the dates earlier) and the US did not enter the war until 1941. Most people put the end of the Great Depression around 1939 or 1940; that puts the middle around 1935.

German naval power was apparent even in the Gulf of Mexico, and the British got extremely lucky by eliminating some of the key ships of WWII. I think the Germans could have easily taken England had they not diverted so many resources to killing innocents.

The Japanese wanted to control Asia and were well on their way to doing so. They really had very little interest in the US. They went from a feudal society to a world power in about 60-70 years. Very impressive by any standard, even if they were the enemy.

Don't know what this has to do with light bulbs.

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