I'm NEVer taking my kids anywhere ever again!

This is more of a 'cute and funny', rather than 'embarassing and funny' that my son did.

He was barely 3 years old, and we were at the store, where I had just gotten him a new pair of spiderman shoes. This child is usually the most shy child when it comes to people he doesn't know, but he was so excited about his new shoes, he just had to tell everyone! I was looking at shoes for myself, and he was in his stroller, with his shoes on his lap.

You know how you normally drown-out what your kid is saying, unless they keep repeating it over and over again? That's where I was... I finally tuned-in to what he was saying....'Little girl! Little girl!"....so I look to see the 'little girl' he is trying to get the attention of....
It was a woman, at least 70 years old, that he wanted to show his new shoes to!

An embarrassing one (not for me, thankfully not MY kid) was my nephew, at about 3 years old. My brother (mostly) and his wife were teaching my nephew to go pee outside if he was already outside, instead of running inside everytime he had to go. They lived in a very far-out place, so had no neighbors to worry about.

So there we were, Sunday morning, at church. Most of the kids are outside playing while the adults were inside chatting after services. All of a sudden, one of the girls (my nephew and my 2 boys were the ONLY boys that went there, all the other kids were girls at least 8 years old) comes running inside yelling "Cody is peeing in the grass!"...Yep, right there in front of God and everybody, he had pulled his pants down and let 'er fly!
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I've got one more but it wasn't my kid, I was involved though.....

I took my son to chuckie cheese when he was 4 or 5. Just us guys. And of course he wants to go through the tunnels, the bounce area and the ball pit. So I am being a big goof and trying to work my way through all of this. Well My son got to a spot I couldn't reach so I got back out to the ball pit to wait for him to come out. I could see him through the clear glass panels they have so I wasn't worried, and eventually he made his way out with another little boy in tow.

My son comes over and says that he's gotta go potty so I scoop him up to go, and the little boy my son came out the tunnel with says daddy, i go potty too. Well about that time I noticed that there was a much younger lady outside waiting on the kid. She turned crimson, and I got out and the kid jumped into my arms. Daddy, go potty bad. Go now?!

My son was giggling and the gal was mortified so I asked her if she wanted to take him or I? As it turned out both of the little boys went in, did their job and me and the mom waited outside the bathroom doors laughing about it. Apparently when she got pregnant her b/f split town and the kid didn't know his dad at all. After she was done being embarrassed we hung out for the rest of the afternoon laughing at the kids doing what they do best...... stupid human tricks that would kill any normal grown up.
With my five year old daughter, I don't know whether to laugh or be mortified. I don't have an explaination to give to her about this subject.

"Mr Lincoln, why did you get shot? Did it HURT?????????"

"Who shot you? Did it HURT??"

Why aren't he buried? He is still alive! She remembers the visit at the Lincoln Memorial LOL!


I do not know how to explain death but in due time she will understand but the questions asking Mr Lincoln, it left me searching for answers.

Mr Lincoln (Max Daniels of Wheaton, IL) took all this in stride telling her that he did not know who shot him. Max loves her to pieces and thanks to his patience in type of uncomfortable situation.

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