I'm NEVer taking my kids anywhere ever again!

I had to explain to my son just yesterday why some people have different colored skin. He started the convo by asking about a young man we saw at the store with a prosthetic arm. Then it progressed to why people have different skin. They have been around african-american kids for most of their lives and never once even asked about the difference. I thought that was really neat, that it didnt occur to little children that these people could be any different from themselves, which is the right mindset to have. They have always just played together and accepted them without a second thought.
And that's the long and short of it. One day they're yelling "EEEeeewwww, they're kissing" at a very formal wedding and the next they're all grown up and embarrassed to be standing next to you in line at the store so you yell out to the entire line of people that yes, that child ignoring you IS your child.
And that's the long and short of it. One day they're yelling "EEEeeewwww, they're kissing" at a very formal wedding and the next they're all grown up and embarrassed to be standing next to you in line at the store so you yell out to the entire line of people that yes, that child ignoring you IS your child.

And the more they ignore you, the louder you yell their names.
"Kristen! Kristen! Wait up! Why are you walking so fast??!"

My girls just love to go to the mall with me.
When my oldest son was about 3-4 years old we were waiting in line at the store. He was rather fascinated by the older woman in front of us, not so much that he was saying anything, just stared at her. All of a sudden he zooms off, straight at her. I thought he was just going to give her a hug, and being pregnant, and restraining his little brother, I admit I didn't really chase him down all that quickly. He was actually gone and back faster than I could have done anything anyway, because he didn't hug her, he goosed her!

I literally froze when I saw what he had done, waiting to see what she would do. She slowly turned around. She was visible preening, the biggest smile on her face, giggling like an eleven year old girl looking at the David for the first time. She actually said, "Oh, I thought my husband had snuck up behind me. This was the best part of my day."

I think she made mine too. (I have to admit I can see why my son was fascinated by her, um, lower half. It was rather larger than what he was used to.)
Why is it that the most embarrassing things happen while standing in line at the store???

My mom was born with only one hand and it was something that I never really thought about or noticed growing up. One time we were at Krogers in the checkout line when a little girl in front of us kept staring at my mom and asking her mom what happened to that ladies hand. Her mom turned around and saw that my mom only had one hand and told her daughter, "See, that is why I don't want you playing with scissors!" The little girl looked absolutely horrified! It was so funny. My mom is used to kids staring and asking questions. She is really good with kids and usually tells them that that's how god made her, that when she was born she only had one hand.
Hehe, while I was in the military, I've been stationed in parts of the country where African Americans are a rare sight. While out and about with black friends, we've gotten many laughs due to kids asking curious and embarassing (for the parent) questions of a friend who is black. I have to say that in any case, there was never any harm or malice meant and humor was preserved.

I have a friend in a wheelchair and he's quite tolerant of curious children too. While I don't have any kind of disability or condition such as H_H_Rocks' mom did, I am very tall for a woman. I'm 6'2" tall, and children are fascinated when they see me. That loud 'whisper' voice they use when talking to their mom... "MOM, She's REALLY TALL! LOOK!" while they're pointing at me and the mom is trying to figure out how to sink into the floor is always amusing. I try not to encourage them since I assume mom is trying to teach their littles not to point and comment like that. If they speak directly to me though, I just tell them to eat all their veggies and drink lots of milk so they grow up tall too!

Does anyone else find the scissors thing is a little disturbing? hmmmm...
We were in Walmart going down the isle and I saw this man coming toward us, I wasnt sure what my son would say, he was about 3. As the man got closer he pointed and said "nose" , the man had no nose. Obviously from some type of surgery. I was so relieved when the man laughed and agreed with my son, there was no nose. Some people understand the curiosity of children and some people dont. My son is 7 1/2 but intellectually about 4, we went to the big country fair this weekend and he had to take his baby doll. Some people chuckled that he was cute and some people flat out laughed in ignorance.
Hen_House_Rocks! :

Why is it that the most embarrassing things happen while standing in line at the store???

My mom was born with only one hand and it was something that I never really thought about or noticed growing up. One time we were at Krogers in the checkout line when a little girl in front of us kept staring at my mom and asking her mom what happened to that ladies hand. Her mom turned around and saw that my mom only had one hand and told her daughter, "See, that is why I don't want you playing with scissors!" The little girl looked absolutely horrified! It was so funny. My mom is used to kids staring and asking questions. She is really good with kids and usually tells them that that's how god made her, that when she was born she only had one hand.

LOL! I have a friend whose daughter was born with only one hand (due to an amniotic band in her uterus) and, since she has had to deal with other kids' reactions to her daughter's hand, I think she would get a kick out of this story. Do you mind if I share it with her?​

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