I'm new to the forum and have a question

And my move is simply taking a protesting Momma out of the nest, then her eggs, then her peeps and putting them in completely new, clean nesting material. Once I have her peeps and eggs moved Momma goes in to make sure they are OK.
Ok - so here's my plan: I'll move Twinkie and her babies into a huge clear plastic tub (I just happen to have one) and I'll put a wire top on it. I will locate the tub in a quiet corner of the house until the chicks hatch.

I think once they hatch, I will set up a little yard made of wire for them to run around in during the day and use my small dog crate as a nesting box.

Does this sound ok?
Maybe, depending on the size. Remember the hen while on the nest leaves infrequently to eat, drink & defecate. If the space she is in is too small she will not want to poop too closely to her food and water.
Robin, Good point about the space thing. Maybe I should just move the nest into the dog crate and put it in a small wired-in area outside so Twinkie can move around a bit. I'm just worried that putting the crate on the ground so the chicks don't fall out will result in the bottom of the eggs being too cold.

What do you think?

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