I'm not sure who to dislike the hatchery, or the USPS..

Ive had the same problem with mcmurray hatchery 25 chicks came 5 days after shipped all were dead. Didnt help the person that delivered it had them in a back of a pickup truck with no cap in 20 degree weather. I will never order from there again as they shipped them on a saturday knowing nothing moves on sunday. I did get my money back which was 107.40$ and since ordered 39 chicks from meyer hatchery for $70.40$ they should be shipped in April on a monday.

EXCUSE HOW MESSY THEY ARE! I have no shavings (roosters needed the whole bag). Our farm stores aren't open until later on this morning, I shouldn't be trusted there alone, because they have chicks!
I finally got SOME of my chicks today!!... 43 of 55 came in the mail all chirping and healthy.. even though that's 12 less than what I ordered we (Ideal staff and I) determined that 8 were of a breed I didn't order..so I was down 20 so we went through and they're shipping me 22 to guarantee I get what I wanted of the genders I wanted. I'll end up with more russian orloffs and dark cornish and less ameraucanas that I originally ordered.. but those were my priority. They were willing to send more, but with the 8 "freebies" i'm satisfied..(they believe the mystery chicks are red breasted kraiemkoppes)

More pics to come (it's been a long morning)


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