In need of ideas...


Kernal Fan Club Member
11 Years
Jan 19, 2009
South Jersey
My parents say I need to be able to support the cost of raising my chickens if I want to get them. I currently have enough money for the initial supplies(including the birds and part of the coop supplies, my uncle is going to use what he has left over from his renovation if my parents say yes) but I'm going to need money to buy feed and other stuff in the future. Does anyone have any ideas for me to make some more money. I'm not old enough for a job yet, though. Thank you!!
If you get bantom breeds they eat less ,they give more egg for the $$ and are cute. You could do seasonal work, yard work,house cleaning,babysitting(child minding if parents are home but need to get work done).
I would love to, but I need chickens first. If(I mean, once
) I get them, I will try that!

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