INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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I don't know what they use. I do have a Word document with marking techniques for wildlife.
I think paint or dye would be best. I use colored zip ties for chicks.

I haven't been around in a while. Just too busy.
I think you set eggs the same day I did. Mine are due in 6 days and 7 hours. That is, if any survived the temp spikes and lows.

Microsoft forced windows 10 on me and that tied up the computer for a day.
I discovered chalkbrood (a fungus that kills larvae) in 2 of my hives so I'm dealing with that and it's supposed to rain for the next 6 days.
I'm also trying to use up all my mushroom plug spawn before the rain hits. Reishi, Maitake, Lion's Mane, Oyster and Shitake.
The rain is between Joplin and Pittsburgh right now.
I hope you get it all and your hives do well.
I actually use the the little girls hair ties like below. Usually two people, one to hold the bird and the other does the banding. Since they stretch like a rubber band I usually go around there leg three times for day olds.
This is a great idea I might do this too
Aw man, I'm so sorry to hear that.  Loosing one is always sad, especially when they're that age.
Thanks. She disappeared while we were all out yesterday afternoon. I was right there, and did not see anything and neither the roo or llama alerted. She was just not there at roost time.
The rain is between Joplin and Pittsburgh right now.
I hope you get it all and your hives do well.

My son had a canoe accident yesterday. He and his girlfriend were on a leisurly trip on the Huzzah and Courtois and decided to float an extra 6 miles. The river split and they took the branch with the heaviest flow but halfway down they hit a log jam that spanned the river. The canoe went under and they lost everything. They ended up standing on the log jam. They thought they were the last ones down the river but another couple came along and helped them pull the canoe out.
She lost her keys and they had to have her car towed all the way back to St. L. to get her spare key. That's about a 100 mile tow.
His keys and their wallets/money/CCs were in her car.
They lost their clothes too. The outfitter gave them some clothes from the lost and found.

That is one huge egg! Sorry you lost a pullet yesterday.

I hope you can get the chalkbrood taken care of quickly. Where do you get your mushroom plugs from? I used to get it from Fungi Perfecti, but haven't worked with mushrooms for years.

I got some from Fungi Perfecti but I also bought some on sale from Everything Mushrooms in KY. I think they had been made for about a month so they dropped the price.
I had some huge oak limbs come out of a tree in a storm that I wanted to make use of.

I'm at a loss for what to do. The hives are full of honey but almost no brood or nurse bees but with new queens.
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Omg mine keeps smashing in to corners too. Reminds me of those toy cars that you have to pick em up and turn them around to get them to go to the next wall and repeat. My roo sits with his wings spread so all the littles can fit under them an get warm. And they'll be others under him too. Poor confused thing. Guess I didn't help. From the day I got him as a chick, I kelp telling him that he was a hen.
LOL, never thought about those cars, but yes, that's it exactly! I lost my dominant roo a few weeks ago and some of his children were starting to get bossy, but I culled 3 of them last Sunday. This roo does spend all his time hanging out with some of the hens, and is super friendly to all the babies in the coop. They all get along now. Here is some of my crew before I culled the 3.

The roo is the white one that is looking kind of chubby in this photo. The white hen is going through a molt and looking horrible!!
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