Incubation progress of Muscovy eggs

I wish you were in the States, I'd mail you some more eggs to try with. :hugs


Thanks Kathy. That's very sweet :hugs
I will remember what I've learnt from my mistakes, take on board all of the advice I've been given and when I'm emtionally ready to try again I'll collect some eggs, start all over again and keep on asking questions :)
I need to make sure that bator is working correctly first though.
Quote: What model do you have? If instructions came with it and said to incubate at 37.5 it's a forced air, I think. Still air would be higher.

What model do you have? If instructions came with it and said to incubate at 37.5 it's a forced air, I think. Still air would be higher. :D


It was an unbranded 48 egg one I brought on eBay. It's a rip off of one of the good brands (can't remember the name of it) and the instruction booklet didn't offer a lot of instruction lol.
I was basing the 37.5 on research I had done as I assumed mine to be fan forced? Air blows around there from above the eggs.
The skim reading isn't helped by my novel writing either ladies :)





And here are some pics of egg number two as I took her out of her shell.
That last one was a pea sized pretty firm lump (almost like hard ear wax) that fell out her membrane. Sorry it's not clear but I found it curious.
It wasn't attached to anything but was sitting next to her head on the side of her yolk sac. Any idea what it might be?
Also, a lot of the blood/membrane that is in that shell was the stuff I took off that was still around her. It wasn't already in the shell.
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