Incubators Anonymous

She's a doll baby

Thank you :) She's my sweet heart and actualy not aggressive on the nest (to me anyway). Quakers on the other hand, tried to take my arm off while she was broody.


She only sat for a week before she quit though
at first there were some issues w/ humidity readings, they have since come out w/a digital reader.... there is a thread about it and a rep answers on it.
I like it because you can change what the room temp it is working off of.. The room I keep it in is usually 60-65 and I can tell it that.. and when it got up to 80 in there I could change it to tell it that too... Holds temp well when I started changing that.

I can't remember if I've asked this already...
Anyone have an IncuView? What are your experiences with It?
You people are all bad an influence on me....Because of you all,,,,,and please take a healthy share of blame on this....

All my eggs are dead.....Why? and how are you all to blame?

Well. remember how I tell you each and every time you open the incubator it is a chance for something to go wrong. I would not have candled my eggs had all of you not cajoled me into checking my eggs...

I candled, disgarded bad eggs and shut the door. I did not notice the little thermostat probe had got caught in the door. This caused it to read outside room temp for he last 24 hours......

My eggs all cooked. Runaway temps. I had a high temp limiting wafer in it but I changed to electronic controller and thermostat last year. The instructions say to disconnect the high temp limiting wafer when installing the electronic one...So I did...

26 dead eggs all on your heads........ I know you are feeling bad....I will accept donations to help offset the misery I am feeling and to assuage your guilt...

Remember the more you send the more relief you will feel from guilt.......

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