Incubators Anonymous

Thank you. Reading here helped me through hatching them out. I have no idea how many hours I spent reading sitting next to the incubator.
well, I've got 2 from my blrw bantam pen (1 blrw hen's 1 partridge cochin hen's) due in 2 days, and 5 mre due the 4th 2 from the bantam blrw and 3 sg Dorkings, then just set 19 SFH eggs on Monday (6 traveled by car, the rest shipped). and I've got some EE's i'm setting Friday.

I've got 3 hovabator incubators and 1 more I use as a dedicated hatcher, so I can rotate hatches every 3-4 days. I just didn't want my sfh hatching with ee's and take a chance on mixing them up, like I have in the past. LOL
I am a incubating addict write now I have 2 incubators in lock down there are 12 eggs in one and 12 in the other

Then I have my other incubator with 24 eggs in it on day 20.

Then I have a broody sitting on 10 eggs day 19.
So as u can see I am obsessed and seriously can't stop myself from incubating more I just get more and more
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i had to go on an emergency trip to Atlanta for 2 weeks, and i had forgotten that as i was leaving i stuffed some eggs in the bator!! thinking well this will have to be a dry hatch....

then last night i remembered and checked my spreadsheet and they were due to go into lockdown already eek!! the RH had been at 20% so i really don't know how it will go.

put them in lockdown last night but i'm not sure what will hatch, i seem to have lost my candling flashlight.. I did see that i had tried making some olive eggers with the first eggs from my two SBEL's with a BCM roo but nobody was fertile, i guess i will have to try hatching some more of those... (a good excuse anyway LOL!!!)

the only other thing that happened while i was away was a pen break from the chicks on the back patio and they are all roaming freely allover the patio.... (my daughter was feeding them for me, but cleaning and fixing pens is another story !!

back home, and awaiting my hatch already!!!
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Welcome Maureen, how can we help? You need more eggs! Yes, Ok. Anything in particular? What can we help you find?

Another coop?

I have 14 girls out in the big coop, now the 11 babies. My little coop isn't going to cut it for all 11. And I just can't put the incubator away, it's calling me......

It's so good to know that I am not alone.

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