Incubators Anonymous

It has ben my experience tht marans are harder to hatch, especially shipped eggs. Seems moisture is held more than other eggs. FInd the Mahonreys 3rd annual hatch a thon, and in the first post is a a great edeal of info on the hatch athon INCLUDING tips. Follow the link to the tips and find ChookChicks information on prepping marans eggs for hatching, a sanding method to release more moisture.
Thank you so much this was very helpful...I think I will try the sanding.....Thanks again, Kandi
Finished up an awesome hatch yesterday. 35/37 barred rocks hatched and 6/7 meat projects hatched. I can't wait to see how the meaties grow. The one that I hatched a couple weeks ago doesn't seem to be growing very fast. It is feathering out and they are coming in white. I need to select it the faster growers and cull the rest.
Where is everyone?????? BTW I have some WL eggs in the bator for a test. So as soon as I know they are fertile they will be available. I will let you all know

I have had another GREAT hatch. 100% hatch on the Blue Barred Rocks 50/50 on the color again. I had to set some more. With only 4-5 blues per hatch and half of them being roos, I needed more right?

100% hatch on the Lav Ams too 4 Lavs and 2 splits
The BLRW are hatching really well too! 4 out and fluffed up 1 sort of out (had a wonky air sac and pipped on the wrong side.. I think
1 more pipped and 1 NADA so far, but they hatched late last time too so it will stay in for a few more days. I have more going into lockdown tomorrow.

Also set 60 more MOST are just test and may not be fertile.
Where is everyone?????? BTW I have some WL eggs in the bator for a test. So as soon as I know they are fertile they will be available. I will let you all know

I have had another GREAT hatch. 100% hatch on the Blue Barred Rocks 50/50 on the color again. I had to set some more. With only 4-5 blues per hatch and half of them being roos, I needed more right?

100% hatch on the Lav Ams too 4 Lavs and 2 splits
The BLRW are hatching really well too! 4 out and fluffed up 1 sort of out (had a wonky air sac and pipped on the wrong side.. I think
1 more pipped and 1 NADA so far, but they hatched late last time too so it will stay in for a few more days. I have more going into lockdown tomorrow.

Also set 60 more MOST are just test and may not be fertile.
I envy you lot who just get to hatch and hatch and hatch! I hatched 5, bought 5 more and have already run out of room in the coop!!!
(Time to plan a new, bigger, awesomer coop!!!!)
I don't keep everything I hatch... I give the roos away, sell pullets I don't need and only keep the best I can
So only a few get to stay for a year or 2.... the VERY best stay longer.
I am keeping everything I hatch this fall. I should have about 150 pullets for spring that I will be able to easily sell. So far I only have about 80 of them hatched. If my rocks would get over molt I could be hatching a lot mor.
I am not selling chicks right now. I will keep most of the pullets to sell in the spring too, I don't think I can house that many... but maybe I can house them in my breeder pens till cull time in spring. I have REALLY thinned down my hens/pullets. Had one guy come by the other day and he used to have 100 layers.... I sent him home with 7 layers and 3 pullets. He said he was coming back for more. I think he wants to get back to having PLENTY of eggs for eating and giving away.

I am also setting my pens up for sex links. I do think that is going to work really well for me in the spring. Nashville is allowing HENS Only in the city so next year will be the first full year people can have chickens with a permit. Last spring I was not ready for spring, I had too many hatches for just me, so I didn't really make any money for the chickens, next spring I hope will be different. I hope to have my breeding pens full of young pullets and some laying to hatch and SELL
I'll be fireing up my 1588 Genesis Hova-Bator this week. I'm getting some Euskal Oiloa eggs, and possibly some Guineas. It's going to be weird just having the tiny incubator going, stead of the three Sportsmans! LOL

I lost one of my Gorgeous EO hens, so that leaves me with two hens and 4 roosters. Nice.... ; ) Need some replacements for spring.

Worming my chickens this week, so unable to use any eggs from them for awhile. I'd like to iincubate some of my EO eggs, but since I just wormed them I think I should wait at least a week. Your thoughts?

Glad to be able to join this group of hatching addicts again!!

~ Aspen
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