Incubators Anonymous

I locked down some Iowa Blue, Ameraucana, Lakenvelder and one Marans last night.

And I'm still getting ready for the contractor to demolish my kitchen starting tomorrow. He dropped off his tools today and had a GIANT dumpster delivered. They start tomorrow at 7:45 am. I need to go clean out the refrigerator so they can move it more easily. And I need to take the before pictures...

ok i'm back!

well, hadn't really gone anywhere, but hatced out 1 lonely little silver grey dorking pullet yesterday, have 12+ cochins due between the 8-13th, and another 12+ due around the 18th.

OH!! and 41 cochins due the 24th now.

at this rate i probably should say cochins are my focus and dorkings the hobby LOL. at least until the 'forking dorkings' start laying again...

i'm getting some dorking pullet eggs and got my 1st large dorking egg today (since the last 2 were set in the incubator 22 days ago). possible that the pullet eggs may belong to the blrw too. but won't know until some are penned up.
Well, I'm thinking that all you incubator nuts would know the answer to my question
I have some serama eggs in the bator, they were shipped and most of them didn't grow. They had loose air sacks so I let them sit up for two days before I started to turn them. I now have 2 eggs developing, but I'm worried. On the bigger eggs I've hatched, if I turned the egg on it's side or pointy side up slowly, the yolk/embryo would slowly roll up, but in the case of these two eggs, they seem stuck to the egg sack and do not really move. Do these two have a chance of hatching? or is that stickiness to the air sack going to kill them and is there anything I can do and and and and

Help please!! LOL
I just hatched a batch only 1 didn't hatch... yet, set more eggs in lockdown and another batch due on the 11th and then another batch due the 22nd. Still collecting, but most of my birds are not laying.

I don't watch them that close. I set and forget really, I only toss on day 14ish.
Yah, I'm obsessing over these since they were expensive and had damaged air sacks. The last batch didn't grow at all due to same problem. USPS can be awfully rough! I really want these two to make it!

WinklerFarms, I'm turning 5 times a day now, hope it's enough! 2 more weeks left
Thanks for giving me hope!
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Quote cluck-cluck

Yah, I'm obsessing over these since they were expensive and had damaged air sacks. The last batch didn't grow at all due to same problem. USPS can be awfully rough! I really want these two to make it!

Sorry, as I told you on the TJ thread, I've really struggled with shipped serama eggs. Out of 3-4 fairly large batches I've tried, I've ended up with two chicks.

I think your best bet is to leave them alone as much as possible (other than turning) and wait until about day 15. I lock them down on day 16 and then leave them alone again. I've found some serama eggs hatch early (day 19ish), but others go the full 21 days.

Good luck.


Sorry, there's something wrong with the editor and it's cramming everything together.
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Theres another post somewhere about eggs that have been shipped having air sack issues. altitude and air pressure change could have alot to do with it. my 1st observation was a friend of mine picking up 2 dozen eggs somewhere in tn on his way home. he cooked em and had 23 of 24 hatch. 3 weeks after he had the same person send him 24 more. they over nighted the eggs so they went by air. 5 of 24 hatched. 99% hatch rate on all his other eggs. he tried one last time, this time priority. being tn to al they came by truck. 3 weeks later 24 of 24. something to think about.
Yes, and from Louisiana to Califonia in 2 days, they must have been flown.... but really, the luggage compartment is supposed to be pressurized, of course there is still a difference, you can feel it when in the cabin while flying, in your ears... so... yah....might be enough to damage em?

I just would be so happy if these to little buggers would hatch and live! I'll keep my paws off em ;)
Yes, and from Louisiana to Califonia in 2 days, they must have been flown.... but really, the luggage compartment is supposed to be pressurized, of course there is still a difference, you can feel it when in the cabin while flying, in your ears... so... yah....might be enough to damage em?

I just would be so happy if these to little buggers would hatch and live! I'll keep my paws off em ;)


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