IncuCube Bator

I've had mine running all day now preparing to set 36 quail eggs...I installed a "calibrated" dial thermometer into it, that sits just at the top of where the eggs would's been sitting at 99.7F all day...I think I am good to go!...tomorrow we set eggs.

Good luck Dan! I was able to get a hold of randy at In. Warehouse, I'm going to order extra parts in case mine would break down in the middle of a hatch. Like I said, this was my best hatch rate ever and I am so pleased. I had 100% hatch rate, the 3 eggs left over were not fertile, from another breed of chickens. I think having the turner made a world of difference. my bator was so hard to keep a steady temp! It was one extreme to the next! I even ordered a turner for it but it didn't help. I also think the fan had a lot to do with it? The only thing I need to work on is adding humidity after lock down. But I put a wider tray (to cover more surface area)in there for extra water so hopefully that will work.
Well I went and pulled out my incCube out of retirement. i haven't had a broody yet this spring and am anxious to hatch some chicks, so I thought what the heck, give it another try. i know some of the people that used them had success with them. My question is how many cups of water did you use to start and what humidity levels were you striving for? I seem to be having a problem with keeping up the humidity . I have 1 cup in now but the humidity is only around 20. I don't know if this is ok or not. I set them on 4/7/11.
Double check that you have the top on tight I had that problem then discovered it wasn't shut tight
I use 3 containers to get 65% on lock down and I line mine with saran wrap to help keep it clean I'm hatching in mine right now

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