Today I had a rough day. My last white silkie girl was snatched by a hawk in the tree line while I was right there! Crazy! Just before that my neighbors dog grabbed one of my turkey poults. Now about 8+ weeks old. My neighbor and I followed him from back to front yard trying to get him to drop the poor thing that we thought for sure was dead as its head hung limp. Wings spread and not moving. Just before he finally did I noticed it gasp for air. Once it was dropped I scooped it up and started caressing it. By the time I walked across the yard it's neck actually strengthened and it's eyes were moving under the eyelids. I sat with it in my lap on my couch and after about 10 mins passed it literally jumped up as if it just was awoken from a coma!! I was so surprised and happy. I took it out to be with the others but it has a broken wing. It's walking around and had no punctures. I know we have it for feasting later but in the meantime does anyone have any suggestions for what I can do for its wing?

This is a first for me.
Today I had a rough day. My last white silkie girl was snatched by a hawk in the tree line while I was right there! Crazy! Just before that my neighbors dog grabbed one of my turkey poults. Now about 8+ weeks old. My neighbor and I followed him from back to front yard trying to get him to drop the poor thing that we thought for sure was dead as its head hung limp. Wings spread and not moving. Just before he finally did I noticed it gasp for air. Once it was dropped I scooped it up and started caressing it. By the time I walked across the yard it's neck actually strengthened and it's eyes were moving under the eyelids. I sat with it in my lap on my couch and after about 10 mins passed it literally jumped up as if it just was awoken from a coma!! I was so surprised and happy. I took it out to be with the others but it has a broken wing. It's walking around and had no punctures. I know we have it for feasting later but in the meantime does anyone have any suggestions for what I can do for its wing?

This is a first for me.

So sorry. I am glad the poult survived. Can the wing be splinted? We had our chickens attcked one year by neighbor's dogs which got in our fenced yard. One hen had a wing torn off but survived; we took her to a bird vet. Our dog's vet liked her but referred us there. Another hen didn't make it. Sorry for troubles today.
Today I had a rough day. My last white silkie girl was snatched by a hawk in the tree line while I was right there! Crazy! Just before that my neighbors dog grabbed one of my turkey poults. Now about 8+ weeks old. My neighbor and I followed him from back to front yard trying to get him to drop the poor thing that we thought for sure was dead as its head hung limp. Wings spread and not moving. Just before he finally did I noticed it gasp for air. Once it was dropped I scooped it up and started caressing it. By the time I walked across the yard it's neck actually strengthened and it's eyes were moving under the eyelids. I sat with it in my lap on my couch and after about 10 mins passed it literally jumped up as if it just was awoken from a coma!! I was so surprised and happy. I took it out to be with the others but it has a broken wing. It's walking around and had no punctures. I know we have it for feasting later but in the meantime does anyone have any suggestions for what I can do for its wing?

This is a first for me.
I am so sorry about your silkie! Glad your poult is ok. Use vet wrap, and wrap the wing against the body. If its going to heal, thats the best way to help hold it in place. I had a poult get a wing hung up on a chain link fence, imbedded into the middle joint, and was sure it was never going to heal. It did, I kept it wrapped, and changed the wrap every few days to keep it on her. The trick is put a few wraps under the wing first on the body, then wrap the wing down to it.
Have also used this for angel wing on a goose and a duck, it did an excellent job.
Been falling behind on the thread again this week. I am so sorry to hear about the chick losses everyone's been enduring. My good friend over in OH also lost a group of her chicks from Cocci. She has never had it before in the 9 years of keeping chickens.
Noticed another small hawk trying to go after my teenage poults and chicks today. Was so proud watching my turkey hens swooping after it, the tom racing ahead of them and chasing it off!
Does anyone keep Rouen ducks? I want to get honest opinions about the breed. Do they lay fairly well, etc...My "mallards" aren't mallards, they are without a doubt Rouen. Way too big already, nearly the size of my mature pekins.

It is with great regret that I must inform everyone that we have decided to postpone Chickenfest. We just do not feel that it is worth the risk at this time.
We hope to be able to reschedule at a later date.
To @barb s @jchny2000 @PeacefulWalls @racinchickins @SallyinIndiana and anyone else who has volunteered many hours to plan, organize, sell Tshirts, contact speakers, and much more… Thank you for all you do!
I know from my experience last year that it takes a team of dedicated members to make Chickenfest happen. I like the term "postpone" over "cancel"! After the avian flu crisis passes, we can all support our thread by attending a much more relaxed Chickenfest.

I was planning to attend, but have to admit that I felt uneasy about it.

I've been reading posts from the past couple of days and feel bad for everyone who has lost chicks.
So sad!!

@flyladyrocks ~ What a terrible experience, and when you're sick, it does make everything worse! Hope you and the chicks are all on the mend.

@chick rookie ~ I've never had the nerve to use an incubator. I don't feel like it's a good fit for me either. Sorry for your losses.

@Acornewell I personally hope that you reported the woman. I believe in reporting animal neglect and abuse. Kudos for taking poo samples to be tested!

A big thank you to our expert veterinarian @kittydoc for your medical advice. Our thread is so lucky to have you. We are also lucky to have many experienced members who know how to handle medical emergencies and regularly contribute their knowledge. We value all opinions, and it's comforting to hear from those who've been through situations that we're going through.
@Indyshent I've heard so many good things about turkeys from people on this thread. Btw, my hens yawn the way you describe, especially before bedtime.

@Chickens chicks ~ Saw your post and just want to make sure since you're a newbie to the thread that you understand how a pm/PM works. As @daskhan said, it stands for Personal Message which is an email message. You may know all of this already, but I made a diagram that may help.

If anyone ever has a question about how the site works, please ask. We've had many people ask about how to change avatars, attach photos, change preferences, and all sorts of things. We are here to help.

Other info about our wonderful Indiana thread can be found here: Indiana BYC'ers Members, Events, & Links

So this is the week I am to get hatching eggs from two different breeders. Exciting!

Now the issue stressing me out..... The one sending Mottled Houdans and Gold Brabanters, I haven't heard from since last week. Projected shipping date was this past Monday. Getting on edge that I haven't gotten a confirmation nor heard a peep. The other shipped yesterday, 6 Cream Legbar eggs..due to arrive tomorrow. Exciting!

Getting concerned that we have not heard from the other breeder. We have plans for our Mennonite friend to hatch the eggs in her incubator. We can't do two separate lock downs. Not sure what to do. Stressed.

Question, how long will fertile eggs keep for if the other breeder doesn't ship the other eggs soon? Thanks...any advice appreciated.

Well, looks like I will just get 6 eggs if other breeder doesn't come through. Fact is, I am concerned for her, last message was a week ago, unlike her. So hope she is okay. I dunno what to as she may still be shipping, maybe computer issues. So if put the 6 eggs in lock down, then if others come, won't work for them but if I wait, the 6 won't be fresh. Excuse me while I go tear my hair out.

Can anyone possibly help here? Ideas? Thanks.
Today I had a rough day. My last white silkie girl was snatched by a hawk in the tree line while I was right there! Crazy! Just before that my neighbors dog grabbed one of my turkey poults. Now about 8+ weeks old. My neighbor and I followed him from back to front yard trying to get him to drop the poor thing that we thought for sure was dead as its head hung limp. Wings spread and not moving. Just before he finally did I noticed it gasp for air. Once it was dropped I scooped it up and started caressing it. By the time I walked across the yard it's neck actually strengthened and it's eyes were moving under the eyelids. I sat with it in my lap on my couch and after about 10 mins passed it literally jumped up as if it just was awoken from a coma!! I was so surprised and happy. I took it out to be with the others but it has a broken wing. It's walking around and had no punctures. I know we have it for feasting later but in the meantime does anyone have any suggestions for what I can do for its wing?
This is a first for me.

@ellymayRans ~ Poor silkie chick and poor you! I would have to be hospitalized if I witnessed a hawk grabbing my chick. About your description of your turkey poult…it reminded me of something that happened to my RIR Nene when she was young. I had a chicken tractor made of pvc pipe and accidentally dropped it on Nene's neck as she was walking underneath (bad design--I had to hold it up for entrance/exit). Of course I about died myself when that happened. Nene laid there a minute (thought she was dead), then she jumped up just like you described! She did a couple of loopy laps around the tractor with her eyes blinking (scary!) Then she acted just fine! My uneducated theory is that it's one of those "not wanting to show any weakness" situations. She bounced back as quickly as she could. (Afterwards, my mean kids blamed me for Nene's craziness…"You dropped that tractor on her head!")

@bradselig Good luck and keep us posted on your job situation!
In addition to catching another monster that's been invading my coop yesterday, I got a big surprise when I went to close things up last night. My broody that has eggs due to hatch Thursday already had a chick hatched! This morning she has 3 cute balls of fuzz with her!

I wanted to blame her early hatch on the fact that she refused to move off her eggs even to go to he bathroom but... I also have a chick out in my bator along with another pipped!!
Quote: Well, looks like I will just get 6 eggs if other breeder doesn't come through. Fact is, I am concerned for her, last message was a week ago, unlike her. So hope she is okay. I dunno what to as she may still be shipping, maybe computer issues. So if put the 6 eggs in lock down, then if others come, won't work for them but if I wait, the 6 won't be fresh. Excuse me while I go tear my hair out.

Can anyone possibly help here? Ideas? Thanks.

I did "staggered hatches" all the time in my smaller incubators. Chicks can be comingled if just a few days to a week apart. If you are concerned for your friend, I would suggest calling her local Police Department for a welfare check. Especially if they live alone, or are elderly!
Quote: You know, Brad, that peppered bedding would make the chicks more tasty if for some reason you decided to join those who have taken up licking their chickens!

I want peppered bedding!!! Can we make it spicy, add some cayenne too?
In addition to catching another monster that's been invading my coop yesterday, I got a big surprise when I went to close things up last night. My broody that has eggs due to hatch Thursday already had a chick hatched! This morning she has 3 cute balls of fuzz with her!

I wanted to blame her early hatch on the fact that she refused to move off her eggs even to go to he bathroom but... I also have a chick out in my bator along with another pipped!!
Yay!!! I would keep trapping until you are sure all are gone.

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