Hello again! Wouldn't you know that this evening I had just written my first post after taking "personal leave" lol from the thread—and our power went out (for no apparent reason), so I lost the post! Anyway, I appreciate the inquiries and concern while I've been attending to life's up and downs! Meanwhile, my nine hens are doing well. Tiny Screech is still bald due to her assertiveness. I'm a little worried with cooler temps approaching. I've missed all of you and hearing about everyone's chickens and other animals!!
So good news everyone...
Last month I asked if it was possible if my hen was broody because two of them were sitting on the eggs either during the day or the night and everyone said no... Well one of them the rir finally got it right and had been sitting on them the majority of the time I had been on vacation because today to my surprise and joy while I was cleaning the coop I noticed out of the corner of my eye a lil reddish head pop out from under her wing just one so far but I'm still happy
I noticed after poking and finally just grabing her that she's sitting on about 8-10 more eggs now that raises some quitions because the first time I got to see under her about a week and a half ago there were only six eggs I thought when a chicken goes broody that's because they have the number of eggs they want and stop laying.. I didn't add any so is it possible she still laid while being broody? She never to rarely moves so I doubt it was any of the others where did the mystery eggs come from I ask
Hello again! Wouldn't you know that this evening I had just written my first post after taking "personal leave" lol from the thread—and our power went out (for no apparent reason), so I lost the post! Anyway, I appreciate the inquiries and concern while I've been attending to life's up and downs! Meanwhile, my nine hens are doing well. Tiny Screech is still bald due to her assertiveness. I'm a little worried with cooler temps approaching. I've missed all of you and hearing about everyone's chickens and other animals!!

Oh my.. so good to see you post again, so many of us missed you!
Hope your family is well, life is treating you good.
So good news everyone...
Last month I asked if it was possible if my hen was broody because two of them were sitting on the eggs either during the day or the night and everyone said no... Well one of them the rir finally got it right and had been sitting on them the majority of the time I had been on vacation because today to my surprise and joy while I was cleaning the coop I noticed out of the corner of my eye a lil reddish head pop out from under her wing just one so far but I'm still happy
I noticed after poking and finally just grabing her that she's sitting on about 8-10 more eggs now that raises some quitions because the first time I got to see under her about a week and a half ago there were only six eggs I thought when a chicken goes broody that's because they have the number of eggs they want and stop laying.. I didn't add any so is it possible she still laid while being broody? She never to rarely moves so I doubt it was any of the others where did the mystery eggs come from I ask
Congrats on your chick! its possible and other hens could also have added to the nest, they will pile on top of each other and lay eggs.. Some chicken hens regardless of breed are perpetually broody. They want babies! Using a game camera is my best suggestion if you really want to know how to track what your hens are doing in the coop.
Yup, Sebrights have rose combs.

It doesn't surprise me that he's loud, either, if he's part Sebright. Rosie is definitely a hen and she crows after every egg she lays! The silvers don't crow so much, but my other two goldens were mouthy little gals and crowed sometimes, too.
that's funny about the "HENS" crowing, I have heard it can happen but never have heard it. Would you like to have this guy?? really need him gone, the neighbor came over again last night and said if we didn't do something about " that rooster " he was going to call cops... well we live in the co. so he can call all he ants, just don't want any more angry neighbor s ya know.

Hello again! Wouldn't you know that this evening I had just written my first post after taking "personal leave" lol from the thread—and our power went out (for no apparent reason), so I lost the post! Anyway, I appreciate the inquiries and concern while I've been attending to life's up and downs! Meanwhile, my nine hens are doing well. Tiny Screech is still bald due to her assertiveness. I'm a little worried with cooler temps approaching. I've missed all of you and hearing about everyone's chickens and other animals!!
So happy to see you back we have missed you. Hope all is well.

So good news everyone...
Last month I asked if it was possible if my hen was broody because two of them were sitting on the eggs either during the day or the night and everyone said no... Well one of them the rir finally got it right and had been sitting on them the majority of the time I had been on vacation because today to my surprise and joy while I was cleaning the coop I noticed out of the corner of my eye a lil reddish head pop out from under her wing just one so far but I'm still happy
I noticed after poking and finally just grabing her that she's sitting on about 8-10 more eggs now that raises some quitions because the first time I got to see under her about a week and a half ago there were only six eggs I thought when a chicken goes broody that's because they have the number of eggs they want and stop laying.. I didn't add any so is it possible she still laid while being broody? She never to rarely moves so I doubt it was any of the others where did the mystery eggs come from I ask
I have had hens actully sit on top of a broody and lay eggs so it is entirely possible that other hens added to the nest.

Wyandotte should have yellow legs.
ok scratch them off the list. Leaning more towards Seabright now.
So good news everyone...
Last month I asked if it was possible if my hen was broody because two of them were sitting on the eggs either during the day or the night and everyone said no... Well one of them the rir finally got it right and had been sitting on them the majority of the time I had been on vacation because today to my surprise and joy while I was cleaning the coop I noticed out of the corner of my eye a lil reddish head pop out from under her wing just one so far but I'm still happy
I noticed after poking and finally just grabing her that she's sitting on about 8-10 more eggs now that raises some quitions because the first time I got to see under her about a week and a half ago there were only six eggs I thought when a chicken goes broody that's because they have the number of eggs they want and stop laying.. I didn't add any so is it possible she still laid while being broody? She never to rarely moves so I doubt it was any of the others where did the mystery eggs come from I ask

Mine lay on top of each other if the nest is prime real estate. Someone probably just squished in beside or on top of her and added her chips to the pile.
that's funny about the "HENS" crowing, I have heard it can happen but never have heard it. Would you like to have this guy?? really need him gone, the neighbor came over again last night and said if we didn't do something about " that rooster " he was going to call cops... well we live in the co. so he can call all he ants, just don't want any more angry neighbor s ya know.

ok scratch them off the list. Leaning more towards Seabright now.
I have a bantam-sized No-Crow collar that might help with him. I don't need any more roosters (especially if he fights), but I don't want your life (and neighbors) to be miserable either. I'm not particularly competent with putting the collars on, so Mag's still making noise, but if your boy's loud enough, I'm sure someone will figure out eventually how to quite the little opera singer.

Edited: And yes, your top rooster in those pics is a Golden Sebright mix, I'm almost 100%+. We had two Sebright hens last year. Ours were pretty, quiet and flighty, but we bought them as older chicks at a RK, and they were terrified starting out. Super cute. Your buddy isn't 100% Sebright, however, because they're "hen feathered" and your boy seems to have manlier feathers than allowed in that breed. Sebrights don't have sickle feathers or pointy hackles and saddles, so he's likely a mix. I'm leaning on game (temperament) or a black Silkie. His lacing isn't well standardized throughout his body; he's very dark (including his comb, which looks darker than normal to me in these pictures). Alternatively, he may have Redcap or Rosecomb bantam in him. Sebright is still the closest (dark shanks, red ear lobs, gold and black lacing); he just doesn't seem to have the hen feathering.
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[COLOR=8B4513]Hello again! Wouldn't you know that this evening I had just written my first post after taking "personal leave" lol from the thread—and our power went out (for no apparent reason), so I lost the post! Anyway, I appreciate the inquiries and concern while I've been attending to life's up and downs! Meanwhile, my nine hens are doing well. Tiny Screech is still bald due to her assertiveness. I'm a little worried with cooler temps approaching. I've missed all of you and hearing about everyone's chickens and other animals!! [/COLOR]

Good to see you back! :)

Wyandotte should have yellow legs.

This is a good point, too! Didn't even think of that.

that's funny about the "HENS" crowing, I have heard it can happen but never have heard it.  Would you like to have this guy?? really need him gone, the neighbor came over again last night and said if we didn't do something about " that rooster " he was going to call cops... well we live in the co. so he can call all he ants, just don't want any more angry neighbor s ya know.

Yup, it happens. I actually have read that it's pretty common in Sebrights. I have another hen that does this pitiful half-crow when she's yakking about laying an egg, too. But Rose is impressive with her crow--she sounds just like a bantam rooster!

This is a video of her crowing, by the way. I had just watched her lay an egg before I started recording. Because the egg song would just be too conventional. :D


As for your boy, I'm sorry, but I can't take him. I've had some bad luck with quarantine this year, and I'm fairly sure part of it has to do with my setup, so I need to work on that before I can even think about bringing in new birds. :/
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If you are referring to large fowl silkies, there are non in the US that I know of. As far as a well known or large amount of birds. Shari McCollough is in Crawfordsville. She doesn't use BYC. I am the administrator of the FB BYC page, and I believe she is a member on there. I raise breeder quality silkies, however I don't have any birds or eggs available right now. Everyone is molting and not laying. Renae Ruple in Middlebury ships eggs also but she is North. You could have her ship you some hatching eggs if you want to hatch your own. This is a bad time of year to try to buy nice quality silkies. Not too many are hatching or selling that I know of in preparation for winter, and due to molting non laying birds. You could ask Brad what he has still. I haven't talked to him in awhile to know what he still has. He is in Warren near Huntington. @bradselig

Yes I was meaning known breeders. Sorry. I sent him a message thanks

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