yes I'm from Bloomington and love Dinky's several people from this area go there. I also have family in southern Indiana, Huntingburg Princeton Petersburg and Evansville areas...

My grandma lives in Odon. and my Aunts and Uncles live in Elnora and Washington and other family lives all around there. Ever heard of the last name Long?
If anyone in Southern Indiana is needing some chicks I have a bunch of Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rocks, and Buff Orpingtons. I am 1 hour south of Indy, 1 hour east of Bloomington, and 35 min north of Louisville.
I wanted to test the waters here before I go to craigslist. I have a few birds that I would like to possibly trade. They are healthy, happy and energetic I just have some other needs.

First, two pullets from Rural King, labled as "California Gray Leghorns" They are approx a month old, I got them March 8th and I think they were a week old then. I would like something that lays brown eggs rather than white. I can provide pics but from what I can tell they are females.

Next, I have two Buff Orph that were straight run. I can also provide some pics of these, I have a feeling they are roos. If they happen to turn out to be hens, I need to keep them. But if they are roos they need to find a new home. They came from RK, also approx 5 weeks old.

I also have 2 guineas that might be availabe if someone is interested. They are about 10 months old, and I have no clue if theyre male or female. They are a purplish lavender color with tiny white spots.

If anybody around central IN has anything they want to trade let me know! There are not many things I would turn down.

I just wanted to bump this back up in case any new people missed it the first time. I'm probably going to keep the guineas for now, unless somone really wants them!!
Husband got up and said he wants to finish the coop today! We finally decided just to convert my shed. It's bigger than the coop we were going to build so, I should get more chickens, right!?!?!
From what I understand, the red pepper is "supposed" to be a worm deterrent but it has to be used in very large amounts.
Has anyone heard of putting red pepper flakes in with feed? I seen some post on byc that people do this and it helps them lay better. Im not sure if it would work and if its even healthy for them. You wont have to pepper your eggs anymore for breakfast.

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