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Nothing will ever be perfect, and there will always someone who is negatively affected by the system, whatever it is. So, why not make the little changes instead of ranting on an internet forum? If you think that your city isn't run right, volunteer for your city council-- all of the ones that I know of let anybody come in, but that doesn't mean that they all do. If you think that there should be a better student-teacher ratio in schools, then volunteer to help in an elementary school. If you think that inflation is a problem, look at what is necessary in your life and then add in what you want-- you'll be healthier that way too. Most of all, remember that the big bad federal gov't (or the wonderful life-giving federal gov't) and the all-knowing states (or those that need assistance) are just people. They're not even particularly bad people when you get down to it. They are people who go home to families and dogs, and even chickens, whose daughters are going on first dates and sons are getting their licenses. There are many people who have succumbed to temptation when it comes to inefficiently managed money, just like the kid who sees that their neighbor's test is just too plain to see.
So, I guess that's it. People are people are people, who do all kinds of things good and bad for good and bad reasons, and they remain so even when in large white buildings with fancy computers. History is what gets written down (usually by the winners) and words can be twisted to fit anyone's mouth. We spend so much time and energy debating about issues that DO NOT apply to most people's daily lives, when children go to school hungry, or don't go to school hungry. And we scream and stamp and yell because because of an azure equine and a crimson pachyderm, when frankly we're not that different-- but people can make a heck of a lot of money out of hooplah and hot air, so it will continue.
Whatever. Live. Let others live. Be happy.
No kidding. Texas has been rewriting everything. Civil War was about states rights. South wanted to take their marbles and go home. Lincoln said no. The stronger power got their way. End of story. The abolition of slavery as a result of it was a good thing.

What's all that have to do with inflation though?

I took my college kid to the grocery store today. He had to put a deposit on a new apartment and was a little short. I usually buy all the basic stuff at Sam's and I was floored by the prices. Next time he needs a little help I'll go to Sam's.
No kidding. Texas has been rewriting everything. Civil War was about states rights. South wanted to take their marbles and go home. Lincoln said no. The stronger power got their way. End of story. The abolition of slavery as a result of it was a good thing.

What's all that have to do with inflation though?

I took my college kid to the grocery store today. He had to put a deposit on a new apartment and was a little short. I usually buy all the basic stuff at Sam's and I was floored by the prices. Next time he needs a little help I'll go to Sam's.

Yeah, we have wandered far afield. A lot of the world's food inflation resulted from a bad grain harvest in Russia. The Russian government embargoed the shipment of grain supplies to the world market.

That coupled with increased energy costs and the declining value of the dollar pushed up food prices. Unfortunately, I am afraid we have just begun to see the problem. I hope I am wrong, but I am afraid I am not.

To add to our stress level, this morning on Bloomberg Financial, Nouriel Roubini was quoted as saying that oil COULD rise to $140 because of the Mideast crisis. However, Wall Street is doing fine. Stocks are up this morning, which does not tell the story of main street America. Too many Americans are laid off and must still buy food and gasoline, which are off the inflation radar. I guess it sucks to be us, eh!

An amusing thing happened looking through the remnant table at my local fabric store. Four women from Wisconsin were chatting and holding up fabric. One woman held up the Civil War fabric that is popular right now and said, "My southern grandmother always called this the "war of aggression."
I see the head of Walmart is predicting increased inflation in the next few months. I am afraid he is correct. That is really bad news for us retired folks, but it is not good news for anyone.

We have a do-nothing President that is not helping matters any either. Travels around the world making sure everyone else is OK and neglecting his own. (not sure he wants U.S. to prosper really). At least Bush knew how the economy worked.
I do wonder sometimes who our government and politicians care about. Libya received 73 discount loans from our Fed after Lehman failed! IMO, Libya was a rogue country before and after Lockerbee. I don't believe this is off topic because our government/politicians seem to be concerned more with global than national. It all affects our economy/inflation. Why do all these "smart" experts make wrong decisions, i.e. like not making Iraq pay back the U.S. with their oil money, omitting specific conditions with the banking bailouts, GM, etc.? (Are these government lawyers in the 7th grade?) These banks have not learned a darn thing! Sorry, I think that was just a rant, wasn't it?!
Just meant to state an opinion.
This is a major part of what got us into this situation. The Federal Reserve kept interest rates low in this country, but capital is like water, it runs to where it is rewarded. Foreign banks could borrow money cheaply here, and then turn around and buy our real estate, industrial companies and banks.

Did you not wonder why the interest rates on your CD's were so low, but the interest rates on your charge cards were sky high?

Fiddling with the money supply opened us up to exploitation. Forgive them, for they know not what they do.

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