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We now live in a world economy. Those stocks could be bought and sold by anyone any where in the world. The market activity does not necessarily serve as an true indicator of our economy. It just could be the haves picking the bones of the have nots.

And for what it is worth, I believe the true terminology is "The War of Northern Aggression."

Oh yeah. I keep forgetting that the economy was fine and dandy when he was around. Yep he knew how it worked alright. That's why the top 2% are doing better than ever, while the rest of us have to hope it gets better. He made it work real well for him and his buddies. You may want to keep in mind that we are supposed to be a world leader. What happens in the rest of the world has a very big impact on us. The POTUS doesn't have much control over what happens here. Especially when he has a hostile House that wants him to fail. So you really need to shift your blame at this point in time. The first 2 years are over.
If only we DID have a do nothing president, both now and in Bush's time (ALL times) we would have been far better off.

Bush came into office facing the collapse of Clinton's bubble. The dotcom crisis. He and Greenspan fixed it up by passing the buck, like they always TRY to do. Lots of liquidity to keep things rolling.
Why the next bubble appeared in housing and how so much "investment" ended up tied to this bubble and it's mortgage backed securities is more than I want to type. Tom Woods covers it great in both "Meltdown" and "Rollback" and I highly recommend them. FWIW many Austrian economists are saying the next bubble is treasuries.

So it didn't quite work till the end of Bush's term, darn! But they "stimulated" their way out and Obama had to do it again, and again, trying to get a little more milk out of a dried up cow. It's just about game over for that racket though.

We are in for withdrawal pains of years (DECADES) of addiction to phantom money creation. There's no other choice. Govt can't "fix" it. All they can do is stay out of the way if they really care about us as much as themselves. They don't.

If ANY administration/Fed chair had opted to "do nothing" we would have been a lot better off. The banks wouldn't have, the defense contractors wouldn't have, politicians needing money for promised programs wouldn't have. But we the people would have.

End The FED!
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It wasn't perfect but my best years in mty business was under Bush coincidence or not don't care or blame either way but Obama has zero experience nadda I mean nooo experience and now it shows. The free market given a chance it will bounce back but we need some thingss to fail in order for that to happen. Not a huge fan of Glen Beck but listen to him sometime about the economy.
Oh yeah. I keep forgetting that the economy was fine and dandy when he was around. Yep he knew how it worked alright. That's why the top 2% are doing better than ever, while the rest of us have to hope it gets better. He made it work real well for him and his buddies. You may want to keep in mind that we are supposed to be a world leader. What happens in the rest of the world has a very big impact on us. The POTUS doesn't have much control over what happens here. Especially when he has a hostile House that wants him to fail. So you really need to shift your blame at this point in time. The first 2 years are over.
And they were my worst years. Everyone has their own story and interpretation. It's called politics, and it's about to get this thread closed unless some jump off of their soap boxes.
Yeah, someone's gonna run to teacher and tell her "they were MEAN to me!"

Economics, left to anything but the free will of market participants IS politics. The title of the thread is political.
What page are we on?

So far no one has been mean or nasty. Just stating what they have learned or failing that what they just believe.
Well, we are all friends here, and we are just exchanging ideas. We all come from different backgrounds and have had different experiences, therefore, we have different ideas how we got to where we are. But we are where we are.

Basically, I don't think any of us are in a position to effect a change in the economic future. Our goal should be to figure out how to survive the tough times ahead and not only to survive, but to thrive.

It sure looks like we are going into a period of high unemployment coupled with high inflation. Stagflation is what they used to call it.

Anyone have any good ideas?

Anyone have any good ideas?

Pay off all your debts. Convert all of your lawn in to garden. Learn to raise your own food animals. Gather skills to help you be as independent as possible. Stash real metal coins. Learn to can and dry your own food...

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