Injured Duck

good deal, keep clean water available for bathing. Helping her stay warm and clean is very vital for stress reduction and recovery. you can hardboil an egg and mash it up or cook some plain oatmeal, let cool and offer it. Both seem to be favorites of those not feeling 100% around here
The only water she has in her crate is a dog dish full of vinegar water. Do I need to give her more? I plan give her a bath twice a day so she can bathe and exercise her leg (don't want it to get stiff). Here are some pictures, so you can tell me what to do!

Her wing-
Here's a shot of her good side, so you can compare. Notice the out of place feathers on her head? So thankful the opossum(?) didn't break skin there!

And, her bad side

Looks a little tender. :( Poor duck. Notice the white blob on her leg? I've got some close ups.

So, who thinks the wing is broken?

Her leg-
It looks like the opossum (or whatever) grabbed her leg. For the most part it looks pretty good, but the white blob seems weird. It doesn't seems to hurt her, and I can touch it without a reaction.

Other side.

Biggest concern here is infection, which is another reason I want her swimming twice a day.
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I would be putting triple antibiotic ointment on after baths and at night.

The white thing may be some ripped callous. Wonder what others think about that.

Keep up the TLC and updates. Bless you both.
Triple antibiotic ointment on her legs? Can do! I'm also happy to report that 6 of her eggs were rescued, are alive, and should hatch in a week!
I agree with Amiga. In the house care until fully recovered. Bathing like planned and antibiotic cream on the leg. the wing doesnt look broken in the picture. Will she stretch it out on her own? Is the white spot squishy? Make sure it is kept clean. Food and water while she is crated. Be sure there is a secure nighttime house for when she goes back outside and for your other ducks. Predators return when they find a food source.
What's the difference between triple antibiotic ointment and others? Is there something I need to avoid when using it? My ducks are normally housed, but I let Fish go broody for fear she would pick somewhere even farther away to lay and go broody and I wouldn't be able to find her. I'm thankful I did, and that she came to me for help. I've got traps out now, and I set them when everyone is in bed.
I didn't think it was broken because she could stretch it, but I wanted to check. The white spot on her leg is hard.
Triple antibiotic is just the generic name for products such as neosporin, and many of us find that it works well for treating surface infections. I also use it as a preventative for my ducks and myself. Avoid the ointments and creams that contain topical pain killers, which, I am told here on the forum, are toxic to ducks.

Also, Epsom salts is really good in compress form, again for both people and ducks. Don't forget it is a laxative so don't just put it in the swim water. Compresses only.
fowl farm just now seeing this and so sorry about fish being attacked. Happy to hear she is on the mend and wasn't killed or injured seriously, and for some of her eggs to have survived is awesome. Your getting good advise here so I'll just say I hope she continues to heal and makes a full recovery.
Thanks, Miss Lydia. I've come to the conclusion that life would be easier if the birds realized we were helping them

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