Injured Wing? (Possibly pulled muscle)


5 Years
Jun 2, 2016
Colorado Springs, CO
Our easter egger (Penny) is still a pullet and normally a pretty strong flier. (We have found her on our house roof.) She also routinely flies onto my arm.

But yesterday and today, I saw her trying to hop onto objects about 2 feet off the ground and missing. She also struggled to get onto the roost in the coop. (She finally got up tonight, I helped her yesterday)

We also have an adult hen who doesn't like any of our three pullets, but seems to target Penny to an extra degree. However, there is no blood and no excess of feathers. So I don't think it's that, unless it happened while Penny was trying to get away.

Picking her up this evening, it felt like her left wing joint where it meets her collarbone was very warm. (The right side felt much cooler.) I think it's probably inflamed, but I'm not sure what to do about that. I'm thinking ice? But she's pretty resistant to me messing with her wings. She seems perfectly fine otherwise and is eating, drinking, and dust bathing.

Thanks for any advice!
I think better. My local chicken supply store said to keep an eye on her and watch. She's still not flying like normal, but she is doing all the other normal chicken things. I put a milk crate in the coop so it'd be easier to get on the roost.

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