Insert sad emoji here

He is a softy. And i love him! Thanks for the tip about secondary tie for lamp. Adusrment made.

My brooder for my 10 chicks was a large plastic tote and the heat lamp was clamped on a broom handle stuck in a jack lol

I really like the one he built you! It looks huge!

I was thinking of hitting up chick days at TSC for some bantams and a couple Easter eggers. They had the little coops for sale and I bought one a few weeks ago
Hi everyone! My 25 babies came finally. I was so excited . However ive had some issues. I am really disappointed and disgusted with this ordeal... mainly the hatchery i chose.... This is my first time ordering from this hatchery. And it will be my last! I always get my babies in the spring locally, but there's not many breeds to choose from, so I found this hatchery who claim they would ship to me 1 day old chicks. Perfect. Not so much! I received the email says my order of 25 chicks had shipped on Monday morning, and they would go 2 day priority mail. I thought that was odd that live animals were not shipped overnight. So I called and was assured that they guarantee my chicks would be delivered live and healthy. So I wait all day Monday and Tuesday, i call customer service and was told that i need to give it time the post office has to make the connections. Wednesday, comes and goes....Thursday evening.... late, at 6pm my chicks arrive. That's 4 days in a box with no food or water! I immediately open the box and i have 2 dead babies. I called MMH the c/sent was quick to credit. I had gotten them a drink and made some feed mixed with water so it was soft and easier for them to eat, and got them under the heat lamp to get them warm. Most of the babies were lethargic and not interested in eating. I sat with them and watched, kept trying to get them to drink. Within an hour i had lost 5 more. I called the company again, again they were were super quick to offer credit. Thats nice of them but i do not want credit. I want my birds! Before I went to bed I had lost 3 more. So I have had these chicks 4 hours and have 10 dead babies..that is not good odds. In the morning I found 7 more dead birds. The poor things are so dehydrated from 4 days in a box that they cant come back from it. I am confident nothing I am doing wrong I have raised babies and never have any perish, not one, not ever! Out of 25 chicks that I ordered ( and 1 free gift they send) I have 9 chicks left. I am completely unsatisfied with this company. I spent a lot of money on growing my flock and have basically nothing to show for it...... heres a pic of all thats left

. i am hoping i have no more loses, but im so heartbroken at the amount of lost babies.

Sorry for the red pic. That heat lamp is awful
I am so sorry that happened to them and you! 4 days is too long. Those poor beautiful babies! They should credit you so you can get replacements eventually so your money isn't totally wasted. Which hatchery did you use?

I used Mcmurry hatchery. Big mistake. I paid over$5/ bird. I'll never use them again.
Customer service still hasn't gotten back to me. I mean you expect to lose a couple... but 17 out of 25 is not acceptable. I would look into getting your ducks from some where else.

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