Is anyone locking down for Avian flu?

Yes my tarpaulin is trying to lift the whole run and it's a big walk in caged area. I've been putting heavy timbers on the top to weight it down but will worry that once the rain comes, the weight of water on it plus the timbers may collapse it in and of course it is my neighbour's not mine so I will worry about it getting damaged too. Ordinarily it isn't covered, so the wind just blows through and there is no strain on it. I removed the hen that was getting bullied into another pen with a pal but neither of them are very settled there and the bully has started on another young pullet, I decided that the bully was going to have to come out....didn't want to mess her around as she is one of the ones that is laying, but it's no good if she is keeping the others from food and causing them to stop laying. Spent half an hour trying to catch her and in the end I lost her out of the coop door (if doesn't fasten on the inside) in the wind, so she is now happily free ranging until I can get hold of her tonight. I will then move the other two back and hope that settles it. Finding it very stressful still and this wind is not helping. Thankfully the rain hasn't arrived here yet. Roll on Jan 6th and PLEASE extension of it!
I'm the only poultry keeper that I know that is keeping their flock inside- everyone else either ignored the guidelines or gave up after a couple of days.... I just spent over 2 hours cleaning out the ducks enclousur in the garage :/ Just really hoping that it doesn't start spreading up north :fl
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Hi peeps.

I agree, this is very, very stressful and the storm has not helped one bit. I was like a drowned rat today cleaning out and hammering on tarpaulin. I am disinfecting everything and replacing food daily -just in case. Was outside every 5 minutes checking nothing had blown over and my ladies were safe.

In between I cleaned out my fridge, did 3 lots of washing and cleaned the kitchen ready for Father Christmas.

Although it's very rainy here in Bolton the wind seems to be dropping thank goodness.

A nice glass of wine I think as I write last minute cards.

have a lovely evening everyone
Just checked the news: 2 dead Widgeons in Somerset and Wales have been found with the virus, as well as 2 peregrine falcons in Scotland and the Turkeys in Linconshire.... I'm really starting to panic now that it has been found across the country in different species. :( I'm going to order some disinfectant.
Just checked the news: 2 dead Widgeons in Somerset and Wales have been found with the virus, as well as 2 peregrine falcons in Scotland and the Turkeys in Linconshire.... I'm really starting to panic now that it has been found across the country in different species.
I'm going to order some disinfectant.

Oh no!! What disinfectant are you going to get?
OK! So not too long now.

The storms have stopped so managed-with the help of my fantastic neighbour-to set up poly-tunnel today.

Must admit have not kept them in totally but have taken every precaution to keep food and water away from wild birds.

Planning to make poly tunnel into a chicken paradise ha ha. Will grow loads of veg in summer.

OK! So not too long now. The storms have stopped so managed-with the help of my fantastic neighbour-to set up poly-tunnel today. Must admit have not kept them in totally but have taken every precaution to keep food and water away from wild birds. Planning to make poly tunnel into a chicken paradise ha ha. Will grow loads of veg in summer.
Looks good! They have lots of room to free range in- I'm sure your girls are very happy- mine just give me an evil look when I feed them.

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